
英语词汇2024-03-25 05:21:28小编


[ɑːr tɔː'nɛlɪkoʊ]


1. ar-tonelico是一款由日本游戏公司GUST开发的角色扮演类游戏。该游戏于2006年在日本首次发布,之后又在2007年和2010年分别发布了两部续作。故事背景设定在一个名为Ar Ciel的虚构世界,玩家需要通过探索这个世界来解开其中的谜团。

1. Ar-tonelico is a role-playing game developed by the Japanese game company GUST. The game was first released in Japan in 2006, and two sequels were released in 2007 and 2010 respectively. The story is set in a fictional world called Ar Ciel, where players need to explore to unravel its mysteries.

2. 我们可以从ar-tonelico这款游戏中学到很多关于友谊、勇气和冒险的教训。

2. We can learn a lot about friendship, courage, and the spirit of adventure from the game ar-tonelico.

3. 这款游戏的名称“ar-tonelico”是由两个单词组合而成。其中,“ar”取自拉丁语“ars”,意为“艺术”,而“tonelico”则是一个虚构词,可能暗指音乐或者音乐领域。

3. The name "ar-tonelico" is a combination of two words. "Ar" comes from the Latin word "ars", which means "art", and "tonelico" is a fictional word that may refer to music or the field of music.

4. 这款游戏的主题曲《EXEC_HARMONIUS/./FATALIZE》由日本女歌手春奈露莉(Haruka Shimotsuki)演唱,以虚构语言Hymmnos(希姆诺斯)演唱。

4. The theme song of this game, "EXEC_HARMONIUS/./FATALIZE", is sung by Japanese singer Haruka Shimotsuki in the fictional language Hymmnos.

5. 在ar-tonelico中,玩家需要通过与角色的对话来解开故事的谜团,同时也可以收集和合成不同的歌谱来提升角色的能力。

5. In ar-tonelico, players need to unravel the mysteries of the story through conversations with characters, while also collecting and synthesizing different hymns to enhance their abilities.


1. RPG (role-playing game):角色扮演类游戏

2. adventure:冒险

3. explore:探索

4. friendship:友谊

5. courage:勇气




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