
英语词汇2024-03-26 08:11:03小编


[əˈriːəl ˈjuːnikoʊd ɛmɛs]

n. Arial-Unicode-MS是一种由微软公司设计的无衬线字体,它是一种高度可读性的字体,在电脑上应用广泛。它是Arial和Unicode两种字体的结合,可以同时支持英文和多种其他语言的文字显示。这种字体在各种文档、网页、广告等场景中都有广泛的应用。

1. Arial-Unicode-MS is a sans-serif font designed by Microsoft Corporation. It is a highly legible font and widely used on computers. It combines the features of Arial and Unicode fonts, allowing for the display of English and multiple other languages.

1. Arial-Unicode-MS [əˈriːəl ˈjuːnikoʊd ɛmɛs]是由微软公司设计的无衬线字体,它具有高度可读性,在电脑上被广泛使用。它将Arial和Unicode两种字体结合起来,可以同时显示英文和多种其他语言。

2. This font is commonly used in various documents, web pages, advertisements, etc.

2. 这种字体通常被用于各种文档、网页、广告等场景中。

3. The combination of Arial and Unicode makes it easier to display different languages in a uniform style.

3. Arial和Unicode的结合使得以统一风格显示不同语言更加容易。

4. Examples:

4. 例子:

1) Please use Arial-Unicode-MS font for your presentation slides.

1) 请在演示文稿中使用Arial-Unicode-MS字体。

2) The website is designed with Arial-Unicode-MS to ensure compatibility with multiple languages.

2) 这个网站采用Arial-Unicode-MS字体设计,以确保与多种语言的兼容性。

3) The brochure is printed in Arial-Unicode-MS font for a clean and modern look.

3) 这本小册子采用Arial-Unicode-MS字体印刷,以获得干净现代的外观。

4) The subtitles are displayed in Arial-Unicode-MS font for easy reading.

4) 字幕使用Arial-Unicode-MS字体显示,便于阅读。

5) The company's logo is created using Arial-Unicode-MS font to represent its global reach.

5) 公司的标志采用Arial-Unicode-MS字体设计,着它的全球影响力。

5. Synonyms:

5. 同义词:

1) Sans-serif font

1) 无衬线字体

2) Microsoft font


3)Universal font


4)Multilingual font


6. In conclusion, Arial-Unicode-MS is a versatile and widely used font that combines the features of Arial and Unicode to support the display of multiple languages. Its high readability and compatibility make it a popular choice for various applications in the digital world. As a network dictionary editor and translator, it is important to understand the significance and usage of this font to accurately convey information to readers.

6. 总结:Arial-Unicode-MS是一种多功能、广泛使用的字体,它将Arial和Unicode两种字体的特点结合起来,以支持多种语言的显示。它高度可读性和兼容性使其成为数字世界中各种应用的热门选择。作为网络词典编辑和翻译人员,了解这种字体的意义和用法对准确传达信息给读者至关重要。


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