
英语词汇2024-03-26 15:37:27小编


英 [ɑːkənɔɪd] 美 [ɑːrkənɔɪd]


1. 指一种街机游戏,也称为打砖块游戏,玩家通过一个滑板,反弹小球来消除屏幕上的方块,直到所有方块都被消除为止。

1. Arkanoid is a type of arcade game, also known as a brick-breaking game, in which players use a paddle to bounce a ball and eliminate blocks on the screen until all the blocks are cleared.

2. 这款游戏的灵感来自于1976年推出的另一款街机游戏《Breakout》,但是Arkanoid加入了更多的特色和挑战性,因此在1986年推出后就迅速风靡全球。

2. The game was inspired by another arcade game called "Breakout" which was released in 1976, but Arkanoid added more features and challenges, making it an instant hit when it was released in 1986.

3. Arkanoid有着简单易学的玩法,但是难以精通。玩家需要灵活运用滑板来小球的方向和速度,同时还要注意小球掉落到底部。游戏中还会出现各种道具和障碍物,增加了游戏的趣味性和挑战性。

3. Arkanoid has a simple and easy-to-learn gameplay, but it is difficult to master. Players need to use the paddle to control the direction and speed of the ball while also making sure the ball doesn't fall to the bottom. Various power-ups and obstacles will also appear in the game, adding more fun and challenges.

4. 这款游戏可以单人或双人游戏,也可以与其他玩家在线对战。它不仅在街机厅受到欢迎,也被移植到了各种游戏上,如家用游戏机、手机和电脑。

4. The game can be played solo or with another player, and it also has online multiplayer options. It was not only popular in arcades, but also ported to various gaming platforms such as home consoles, mobile phones, and computers.

5. 同义词:brick-breaking game


5. Synonyms: brick-breaking game

Usage: Refers to a type of arcade game where players use a paddle to bounce a ball and eliminate blocks on the screen.


Arkanoid是一款经典的街机游戏,它的简单易学的玩法和难以精通的挑战性使得它在1980年代风靡全球,并且至今仍然受到许多玩家的喜爱。除了在街机厅中可以体验到,它也被移植到各种游戏上,让更多的人可以享受这款经典游戏带来的乐趣。同义词brick-breaking game也常被用来指代类似类型的街机游戏。


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