
英语词汇2024-03-27 12:25:49小编



用法方面,art-show通常用作名词,可以指代一次具有艺术性质的展览活动。它可以用来描述各种类型的艺术展览,比如绘画、雕塑、摄影等等。在日常生活中,我们可以听到类似这样的表达:“我最近去了一场很棒的艺术展览。” “你听说过这次艺术展览吗?” “我在这次art-show上看到了很多精彩作品。”


1. I'm going to attend an art-show this weekend to see the latest works from my favorite artist.


2. The art-show at the local gallery was a huge success, with many pieces being sold on the opening night.


3. Have you been to the art-show at the museum? It's quite impressive.


4. The art-show will feature a variety of styles and mediums, from traditional paintings to modern installations.


5. The local community is excited for the upcoming art-show, which will showcase the talents of many local artists.


除了以上的用法,art-show也可以用作动词,意为“展示艺术作品”。:“The artist will art-show his latest collection at the gallery next month.”(这位艺术家下个月将在画廊展示他最新的作品集。)

同义词方面,art-show可以与exhibition、display、showcase等词替换使用。:“I'm looking forward to attending the exhibition at the museum next week.”(我期待着下周去参观博物馆的展览。) “The gallery is currently displaying a collection of abstract paintings.”(画廊目前正展出一系列抽象画作。) “The artist's work is being showcased at a prestigious art show in New York.”(这位艺术家的作品正在纽约一场著名的艺术展览上展出。)



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