
英语词汇2024-03-27 16:40:36小编


['arthur', '英: [ˈɑːθə(r)]', 'n. 亚瑟(男子名);阿瑟(姓氏);[法] 雅克·德·拉罗奇(Jacques de la Roche)']

1. Arthur是一个男性名字,来自古英语,意为“熊”,也有“强壮的人”的含义。它也是一种常见的姓氏。

Arthur is a male name, derived from Old English, meaning "bear", and also has the meaning of "strong man". It is also a common surname.

2. 阿瑟是一个法语名字,音译自拉丁语“Artorius”,可能源于凯尔特语,“artos”意为“熊”。在英国文学中,亚瑟王是一个传奇的国王。

Arthur is a French name, transliterated from Latin "Artorius", possibly derived from Celtic, where "artos" means "bear". In British literature, King Arthur is a legendary king.

3. 用法:Arthur可以作为男性名字或姓氏使用,在英语比较常见。它也可以作为品牌名称或公司名称。

Usage: Arthur can be used as a male name or surname, and is quite common in English-speaking countries. It can also be used as a brand or company name.

4. 例句:

- My son's name is Arthur, named after his great-grandfather.


- Arthur Conan Doyle is the author of the famous detective stories featuring Sherlock Holmes.


- The company, Arthur Industries, is a leader in the tech industry.


5. 同义词及用法:

- Arturo:西班牙语版本的Arthur。

Arturo: The Spanish version of Arthur.

- Arty:是Arthur的昵称形式,也可以用作形容词,意为“艺术的”。

Arty: A nickname for Arthur, and can also be used as an adjective meaning "artistic".

6. 编辑总结:Arthur是一个古老而常见的男性名字和姓氏,在英语很受欢迎。它也可以作为品牌名称或公司名称使用。它有着独特的含义和历史背景,以及许多不同语言版本。如果你正在寻找一个有着强大含义和文化背景的男孩名字,Arthur可能会成为一个不错的选择。


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