as-for - Bing 词典

英语词汇2024-03-28 02:07:42小编

as-for - Bing 词典

音标:[æz fɔːr]


例句1:As for the weather, it's supposed to rain tomorrow. (就天气而言,明天可能下雨。)

例句2:As for your question, I'll have to think about it and get back to you. (关于你的问题,我需要考虑一下然后回复你。)

例句3:As for me, I prefer staying at home rather than going out on weekends. (就我个人而言,我更喜欢周末待在家里而不是出去。)

例句4:As for the new policy, it has caused quite a stir among the public. (就这项新而言,它在公众中引起了很大的轰动。)

例句5:As for his performance in the game, he was outstanding and led his team to victory. (就他在比赛中的表现来说,他非常出色并带领球队取得了胜利。)


regarding、concerning、with regard to、in terms of、as regards、in reference to


“as-for”是一个常用的介词短语,在表达时可以替换为其他同义词,但其含义和用法都相同。它常用于引出话题或者对某一话题进行讨论,并且可以用来表示自己的观点或者看法。在写作中,可以使用“as for”来引出新的论点或者总结前文的内容,使文章更具连贯性。


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