Assistant-professor - Bing 词典

英语词汇2024-03-30 07:49:48小编

Assistant-professor - Bing 词典

意思:助理教授 - 必应词典



例句1:The university is currently looking for a qualified candidate to fill the position of Assistant-professor in the Department of Economics.(该大学目前正在寻找一位合格的候选人来担任经济学系的助理教授职位。)

例句2:As an Assistant-professor, John is responsible for teaching undergraduate courses and conducting research in the field of biology.(作为一名助理教授,约翰负责教授本科生课程,并在生物学领域进行研究。)

例句3:The Assistant-professor presented his research findings at an international conference last week.(上周,这位助理教授在一次国际上展示了他的研究成果。)

例句4:Samantha has been promoted from a teaching assistant to an Assistant-professor after completing her PhD in Chemistry.(萨曼莎在完成化学博士学位后,从助教晋升为助理教授。)

例句5:The Assistant-professor is currently on sabbatical leave to focus on his research project.(这位助理教授目前正在休假期间专注于他的研究项目。)

同义词及用法:Assistant-professor的同义词包括Junior Professor、Lecturer和Adjunct Professor等。它们也都指代大学中担任助理教授职位的人员,只是在不同的地区或学校可能有不同的称呼。



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