
英语词汇2024-03-30 19:31:24小编


英 [æsˈvel]

美 [æsˈvɛl]


1. Asvel是一个名词,指的是法国一个著名的篮球俱乐部,成立于1948年。该俱乐部在欧洲篮球联赛中具有重要地位,曾多次获得法国篮球锦标赛冠。

Asvel is a noun that refers to a famous basketball club in France, founded in 1948. The club holds an important position in the European Basketball League and has won several French Basketball Championships.

2. Asvel也可以指该俱乐部的主场球馆,位于法国里昂市。这座现代化的体育场馆可以容纳超过5,500名观众。

Asvel can also refer to the home arena of the club, located in Lyon, France. This modern sports venue can accommodate over 5,500 spectators.

3. Asvel也可以作为一个人名,在法语中意为“来自威尼斯”。在意大利文中,Asvel则是“神圣”的意思。

Asvel can also be used as a personal name, meaning "from Venice" in French. In Italian, Asvel means "sacred".


1. Tony Parker是一位来自法国的著名篮球运动员,他曾效力于Asvel俱乐部多年。

Tony Parker is a famous basketball player from France who played for Asvel for many years.

2. 这座现代化的Asvel球馆是法国篮球联赛中最受欢迎的体育场馆之一。

The modern Asvel arena is one of the most popular sports venues in the French Basketball League.

3. Asvel俱乐部在欧洲篮球联赛中表现出色,他们已经连续三年获得冠。

Asvel has performed well in the European Basketball League, winning the championship for three consecutive years.

4. Asvel这个名字来源于意大利文,意为“神圣”的俱乐部在法国篮球界具有重要地位。

The name Asvel, which comes from Italian and means "sacred", holds an important position in the French basketball world.

5. 虽然Asvel在法国篮球锦标赛中表现出色,但他们仍然需要努力才能在欧洲篮球联赛中取得更好的成绩。

Although Asvel has performed well in the French Basketball Championship, they still need to work hard to achieve better results in the European Basketball League.


1. 俱乐部 (club)

2. 篮球 (basketball)

3. 运动员 (athlete)

4. 冠 (champion)

5. 体育场馆 (sports venue)




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