
英语口语2024-03-10 09:41:25小编


adaptto是一个动词,意为“适应”,“改编”,“调整”。它可以用作及物动词或不及物动词,常见的形式为adapt to。该词源于拉丁语的“adaptare”,意为“使适合,调整”。


adaptto的音标为/əˈdæpt tuː/。


1. adaptto + 名词:表示适应某种情况或环境。

例:It takes time to adapt to a new culture.(适应新文化需要时间。)

2. adaptto + 动名词:表示适应某种活动或行为。

例:She quickly adapted to living in the city.(她很快就适应了城市生活。)

3. adaptto + 名词短语:表示适应某种变化或挑战。

例:The company needs to adapt to the changing market conditions.(公司需要适应不断变化的市场条件。)

4. adaptto + 副词/形容词:表示适应某种情绪或感受。

例:He has difficulty adapting to new situations.(他很难适应新的情况。)

5. be adapted to + 名词/动名词:表示已经被改编或调整以符合特定需求。

例:The novel was adapted into a movie last year.(这部小说去年被改编成电影。)

6. be adapted for + 名词/动名词:表示为特定目的或用途而改编。

例:This car is adapted for off-road driving.(这辆车适合越野驾驶。)


1. It takes time to adapt to a new school, but I'm sure you'll make friends soon.(适应新学校需要时间,但我相信你很快就会交到朋友。)

2. The company has adapted to the changing market conditions by diversifying its products.(公司通过多样化产品来适应不断变化的市场条件。)

3. The movie was adapted from a popular novel and has received rave reviews.(这部电影改编自一部畅销小说,收到了好评。)

4. This software is not adapted for use on mobile devices yet, but we are working on it.(这个软件目前还没有适合在移动设备上使用,但我们正在努力改进。)

5. She had to adapt quickly to the fast-paced work environment in the city.(她不得不迅速适应城市里快节奏的工作环境。)


1. adjust to:与adaptto意思相近,指根据新情况做出调整。

2. acclimate to:指通过经验和时间来逐渐习惯新环境。

3. conform to:指遵守规则或符合标准。

4. fit in with:指融入某个群体或环境中。

5. accommodate to:指适应某种改变或需求。


adaptto是一个常用的动词,意为“适应”,“改编”,“调整”。它可以用来表示适应不同的情况、活动、变化或感受。我们也可以用它来描述某物被改编或调整以符合特定需求或目的。与其意思相近的词包括adjust to、acclimate to、conform to、fit in with和accommodate to。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确理解和运用这些词语,为读者提供清晰明了的释义和例句。
