
英语口语2024-03-10 17:36:30小编





adds的音标为 /ædz/,读音为英文中元音字母a和d之间发生连音,最后加上清辅音/s/。


1. 作为及物动词,表示“增加;添加”,后接名词或代词作宾语。如:

- The chef adds a pinch of salt to the soup. (这位厨师向汤里加了一撮盐。)

- She added some sugar to her coffee. (她给她的咖啡里加了些糖。)

2. 作为不及物动词,表示“增添;补充”,后接介词to和名词或代词作宾语。如:

- The artist adds to the beauty of the painting by adding more colors. (通过添加更多颜色,这位艺术家使画作更加美丽。)

- He added to his collection by buying some rare stamps. (他通过购买一些稀有邮票来扩充他的收藏品。)

3. add也可以用来表示“附加;增补”,后接介词on和名词或代词作宾语。如:

- She added a few notes on the margin of the book. (她在这本书的页边空白处加了几个注释。)

- The teacher added some extra examples on the board. (老师在黑板上增加了一些额外的例子。)

4. add还可以表示“把…算进去;把…计算在内”,后接介词to和名词作宾语。如:

- The total cost adds up to $1000. (总费用加起来是1000美元。)

- Don't forget to add the tax to the final price. (别忘了把税费加到最终价格里面去。)

5. 此外,add还可以用来表示“补充说;另外提到”,常用于口语中。如:

- He said he would come, and then he added that he might be late. (他说他会来,然后又补充说他可能会迟到。)

- I love pizza, and I might add that I'm a big fan of Italian food in general. (我喜欢比萨饼,并且我要补充说我是意大利食物的忠实粉丝。)


1. The designer adds a touch of elegance to her dress by adding some lace details.


2. The company is planning to add more features to their new product in order to attract more customers.


3. The teacher added a few more examples to the lesson to help students understand the concept better.


4. The price of the house is $500,000, but if you add on the cost of renovations, it will be over $600,000.


5. She added that she was also interested in learning how to play the guitar.



1. increase:意为“增加;增长”,与add的用法类似,但更强调数量或程度的增加。

2. supplement:意为“补充;增补”,与add有些相似,但更强调在已有内容或数量上进行补充。

3. append:意为“添加;附加”,与add有些相似,但更常用于书面语中。

4. include:意为“包括;包含”,与add中“把…算进去”的用法相似,但更强调包含在内的意思。

5. contribute:意为“贡献;捐赠”,与add中“增添;补充”的用法类似,但更强调对整体的作用。


