
英语口语2024-03-13 02:09:24小编







1. 作为名词使用时,affair通常指某个具体的活动、任务或者。

a. She has a lot of affairs to take care of at work. (她在工作中有很多事务要处理。)

b. The government is dealing with the economic affairs of the country. (正在处理的经济事务。)

c. He is always busy with his own affairs and has no time for others. (他总是忙于自己的事情,没有时间顾及别人。)

2. 作为名词使用时,affair还可以指某种关系或者。

a. Their love affair ended in a bitter breakup. (他们的恋爱关系以悲惨的分手告终。)

b. The two countries have had a long affair since the war ended. (自从战争结束以来,这两个一直保持着密切。)

3. 作为名词使用时,affair还可以指某个重要的或者事情。

a. The affair of the missing diamond has caused a lot of speculation. (这起缺失钻石的引发了许多猜测。)

b. The scandal was a major political affair that shook the whole country. (这桩丑闻是一件动摇整个的重大。)

4. 作为动词使用时,affair的意思是“涉及”、“关心”、“照顾”。

a. She is not willing to get involved in other people's affairs. (她不愿意涉足别人的事务。)

b. He always takes good care of his family affairs. (他总是很关心家庭事务。)


1. I have an important affair to attend to this afternoon, so I can't go out with you.


2. It's not polite to interfere in other people's affairs without their permission.


3. The company's financial affairs are in a mess and need to be sorted out immediately.


4. She had a brief love affair with her colleague, but it didn't last long.


5. The government is facing a serious affair of national security and needs to take immediate action.



1. Event:作为名词,意思是“”,可以指某个具体的活动或者事情。

a. The event was a huge success, thanks to the hard work of the organizers. (这次活动取得了巨大的成功,多亏了组织者的辛勤工作。)

b. The event will be held in the conference room on the third floor. (这个活动将在三楼的室举行。)

2. Matter:作为名词,意思是“事情”,可以指某件具体的事情或者问题。

a. We need to discuss this matter further before making a decision. (在做出决定之前,我们需要进一步讨论这件事情。)

b. It's a matter of personal preference whether to go or not. (去不去是个人喜好问题。)

3. Concern:作为名词,意思是“关心”、“照顾”、“涉及”。

a. This is none of your concern, so please stay out of it. (这不关你的事,请别插手。)

b. The company's financial concerns have been resolved with the help of investors. (在投资者的帮助下,公司的财务问题已得到解决。)


