
英语口语2024-03-13 02:33:36小编




英 [əˈfektɪd] 美 [əˈfɛktɪd]


1. 作为形容词,affected可以用来修饰人或事物,表示其受到某种外部因素的影响或改变。:

- The affected area was devastated by the earthquake. (受灾区域遭到了地震的严重破坏。)

- She was deeply affected by her father's death. (她对父亲的去世深感悲痛。)

2. 在医学领域中,affected也可以指患有某种疾病或受到某种疾病影响的人。:

- The affected patients all showed similar symptoms. (所有受影响的患者都表现出相似的症状。)

- The drug has been proven effective in treating affected individuals. (这种药物已被证明对治疗受影响者有效。)

3. 另外,affected也可以指人做作、不自然或虚伪的表现。:

- She put on an affected accent to impress her new friends. (她故意做作地说话,想给新朋友留下印象。)

- He always speaks with an affected air, trying to sound more sophisticated. (他总是带着一种做作的气息说话,想显得更有见识。)


1. The storm has affected the entire city, causing power outages and flooding. (暴风雨影响了整个城市,造成停电和洪水。)

2. The affected patients are being closely monitored for any changes in their condition. (受影响的患者正在密切监测其病情变化。)

3. Her voice sounded affected and insincere as she apologized for her mistake. (她道歉时声音听起来做作而不真诚。)

4. The charity organization is providing aid to the affected families in the disaster area. (慈善组织正在向灾区受灾家庭提供援助。)

5. His behavior seemed affected and unnatural, as if he was trying too hard to impress us. (他的行为看起来很做作、不自然,好像是在极力给我们留下印象。)


1. influenced:与affected意思相近,也表示“受影响的”,但更强调外部因素对人或事物的影响。

例:Her decision was greatly influenced by her parents' opinions. (她的决定受到了父母意见的极大影响。)

2. impacted:也可以表示“受影响的”,但更强调外部因素对人或事物产生的深远影响。

例:The new policy has greatly impacted the company's profits. (新对公司利润产生了巨大影响。)

3. touched:也可以表示“受感动的”、“受触动的”,但与affected不同,它更多指内心受到感情上的影响。

例:The touching story deeply touched everyone in the audience. (那个感人的故事深深地打动了观众每一个人。)

4. infected:也可以表示“受感染的”,但通常用来指某种疾病传染给人或动物。

例:The virus has infected thousands of people in the country. (这种病毒已经感染了该国数千人。)

5. controlled:也可以表示“受的”、“被左右的”,但与affected不同,它更多指外部力量对人或事物产生的作用。

例:His actions were completely controlled by his fear of failure. (他的行为完全被害怕失败所。)


