
英语口语2024-03-14 11:31:46小编







1. 作为动词:

(1) align sth with sth:将某物与某物对齐。

例句:Please align the two pieces of wood with each other before nailing them together.(请在钉子之前将两块木头对齐。)

(2) align sth to/with sth:调整某物与某物保持平行或一致。

例句:The carpenter aligned the shelves to the wall to make sure they were straight.(木匠将货架与墙壁保持平行以确保它们是直的。)

(3) align oneself with sb/sth:与某人/某事保持一致。

例句:The politician aligned himself with the new party in order to gain more votes.(该家与新党保持一致,以赢得更多选票。)

2. 作为名词:

(1) in alignment with sb/sth:与某人/某事保持一致。

例句:The company's goals are in alignment with the government's policies.(公司的目标与的保持一致。)

(2) out of alignment:不一致;不同步。

例句:The gears were out of alignment, causing the machine to malfunction.(齿轮不同步,导致机器发生故障。)


1. The teacher asked the students to align their desks in rows for the group activity.(老师要求学生们将课桌排成一行,为小组活动做准备。)

2. The artist spent hours aligning every brushstroke to create a perfect painting.(艺术家花了几个小时将每一笔刷都调整到位,创作出一幅完美的画作。)

3. The new manager aligned herself with the team's goals and successfully led them to victory.(新经理与团队的目标保持一致,并成功地带领他们取得了胜利。)

4. The chiropractor realigned my spine to relieve my back pain.(按摩师调整了我的脊椎,缓解了我的背痛。)

5. The company's marketing strategy is not in alignment with current market trends, which is why their sales have been declining.(公司的营销策略与当前市场趋势不一致,这就是为什么他们的销售额一直在下降。)


1. adjust:调整,通常指对某物进行微小的改变以使其更适合。

例句:The tailor adjusted the dress to fit the customer's measurements.(裁缝调整了衣服以适应顾客的尺寸。)

2. arrange:安排,通常指将事物有条理地放置在一起。

例句:The event planner arranged the chairs in a circle for the meeting.(活动策划人员将椅子安排成一个圆圈,为做准备。)

3. straighten:使直,通常指将弯曲或歪斜的物体变得笔直。

例句:She straightened her hair with a flat iron.(她用烫发器把头发弄直了。)

4. synchronize:同步,通常指使两件事情同时发生或保持一致。

例句:The dancers synchronized their movements to the beat of the music.(舞者们按照音乐的节奏同步舞动。)


align是一个常用的英语单词,在日常生活中经常会遇到。它可以用作动词或名词,表示“使排成一行;调整;校准”等含义。作为动词时,它可以与其他名词搭配使用,如align sth with sth、align sth to/with sth、align oneself with sb/sth等。作为名词时,它可以表示“排列或调整的方式”,如in alignment with sb/sth、out of alignment等。此外,它还有一些近义词,如adjust、arrange、straighten和synchronize。在使用时,需要根据具体语境选择合适的词汇来表达自己的意思。
