
英语口语2024-03-15 14:08:01小编


1. The scientist approached the problem analytically, breaking it down into smaller components to understand its complexity. (这位科学家以分析的方式处理问题,将其分解为较小的组成部分以理解其复杂性。)

2. The author's writing style is very analytical, as she carefully examines every detail and presents it in a logical manner. (这位作者的写作风格非常分析性,她仔细地审视每一个细节,并以逻辑方式呈现。)

3. The student approached the math problem analytically, using different formulas and equations to solve it step by step. (这位学生采用分析的方式处理数学问题,使用不同的公式和方程式逐步解决它。)

4. In order to make an informed decision, the company analyzed the data analytically, looking at trends and patterns to determine the best course of action. (为了做出明智的决策,公司以分析的方式分析数据,观察趋势和模式来确定最佳行动方案。)

5. The detective approached the crime scene analytically, carefully examining each piece of evidence to piece together what had happened. (这位侦探以分析的方式处理现场,仔细检查每一件证据来拼凑出发生了什么事情。)




1. The problem needs to be approached analytically in order to find a solution.


2. She tackled the project analytically, breaking it down into smaller tasks.


3. The data was analyzed analytically, looking for any patterns or trends.


4. The report was written analytically, presenting all the facts and figures in a clear and organized manner.


5. He approached the problem analytically, carefully considering all possible solutions before making a decision.


同义词及用法:analytically可以替换为analytically speaking、analytically thinking、analytically minded等表达相同意思的词语。


Analytically是一个副词,指在逻辑思考或研究时使用。它可以用来描述人们处理问题或进行研究时采用的思维方式。在学术和科学领域中经常使用该词来强调对细节和数据进行仔细研究和分析的重要性。同义词包括analytically speaking、analytically thinking、analytically minded等,它们都可以用来强调逻辑思考和研究的方式。在写作中,使用analytically可以使语言更加精确和准确,表达出作者深入思考和分析的态度。
