
英语口语2024-03-15 17:08:06小编







1. annoy + 人:表示某人被某事所惹恼。

- My little brother always annoys me by playing with my toys without asking.


- The loud music from the party next door is really annoying me.


2. annoy + sb. + with sth.:表示某人因为某件事而被激怒。

- Don't annoy your boss with constant complaints, it won't do you any good.


- She was annoyed with her husband for forgetting their anniversary.


3. be annoyed with/at sb./sth.:表示对某人或某事感到恼怒。

- I'm so annoyed with my roommate for always leaving dirty dishes in the sink.


- She was annoyed at her boss's constant micromanaging.


4. be annoyed by sth.:表示被某件事所困扰。

- I'm constantly annoyed by the noise from the construction site next to my apartment.


- The constant ringing of his phone was starting to annoy me.


5. It annoys sb. that...:表示某人因为某事感到恼火。

- It annoys me that he always interrupts me when I'm speaking.


- It really annoys her that her co-workers never clean up after themselves in the office kitchen.



1. The constant barking of the neighbor's dog is really annoying me.


2. I'm so annoyed with my coworker for always taking credit for my ideas.


3. It annoys me that my roommate never cleans up after herself in the bathroom.


4. She was annoyed at her husband for forgetting their anniversary.


5. The constant buzzing of the fly in the room was starting to annoy me.



1. irritate:和annoy一样,都指某件事或某人的行为让人感到不快或不满意,但irritate更强调对某事的反应。

- The constant beeping of the car alarm is really irritating me.


- His constant bragging about his achievements irritates his coworkers.


2. bother:和annoy一样,都指某件事或某人的行为让人感到不快或不满意,但bother更强调对某事的打扰。

- Can you please s bothering me while I'm trying to work?


- The loud music from the party next door is really bothering me.


3. vex:和annoy一样,都指某件事或某人的行为让人感到不快或不满意,但vex更强调对某事的困扰。

- The constant ringing of his phone was starting to vex me.


- She was vexed by her boss's constant criticism.



