
英语口语2024-03-15 20:11:51小编




appearances的音标为 /əˈpɪrənsɪz/。


1. 表示外表、外观:

- She is always very concerned about her appearances.(她总是非常关注自己的外表。)

- The appearances of the house have changed a lot since they renovated it.(自从他们装修过后,这栋房子的外观变化很大。)

2. 表示出现、露面:

- The famous singer made an appearance at the charity event last night.(那位著名歌手昨晚在慈善活动上露面。)

- The sun made a brief appearance before disappearing behind the clouds again.(太阳在消失在云层之前短暂地出现了一下。)

3. 在某些固定搭配中,appearances还可以表示“假象、表象”:

- Don't be fooled by his appearances, he is actually a very kind person.(不要被他的外表所迷惑,他实际上是个非常善良的人。)


1. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't maintain her appearances as she aged.


2. The magician's sudden appearance on stage surprised the audience.


3. The disappearance of the famous painting caused a lot of speculation about its whereabouts.


4. The company's CEO rarely makes public appearances, but when he does, it's always a big event.


5. She may not be the most beautiful, but her inner beauty shines through despite her plain appearances.



1. presence:表示“存在、出现”,也可以指某人或某物的“存在感”。

- His presence at the meeting was crucial to the decision-making process.(他出席对决策过程至关重要。)

- The actress has a strong stage presence that captivates her audience.(这位女演员有着强烈的舞台气场,吸引着观众。)

2. manifestation:表示“表现、显示”,通常指某种情况或感觉通过某种形式展现出来。

- His anger was a manifestation of his frustration with the situation.(他的愤怒是对这种情况感到沮丧的表现。)

- The festival is a manifestation of the city's rich cultural heritage.(这个节日是这座城市丰富的文化遗产的展示。)

3. semblance:表示“相似、外观”,强调外表上的相似性。

- There was a semblance of order in the chaotic room after she cleaned it up.(在她整理过后,那个混乱的房间有了一点点秩序。)

- The two brothers share a striking resemblance in appearance.(这两兄弟在外表上有着惊人的相似之处。)


