
英语口语2024-03-15 22:56:55小编




1. The arctic weather made it difficult for us to travel.


2. Polar bears are native to the arctic.


3. Scientists are studying the effects of climate change on the arctic ecosystem.


4. The Inuit people have adapted to the harsh conditions of the arctic.


5. The Arctic Ocean is home to many unique species of marine life.





arctic作为形容词时,通常修饰名词,表示“属于或关于北极”的意思。:arctic region(北极地区)、arctic weather(北极的天气)。作为名词时,指代北极地区或北极圈内的生态。


1. The arctic tundra is a unique ecosystem that is home to many species of plants and animals.


2. The arctic fox has adapted to the harsh conditions of the Arctic by growing a thick coat of fur.


3. The arctic tern migrates from the Arctic to the Antarctic every year, making it one of the longest migrations of any animal.


4. The Arctic Circle is an imaginary line that marks the southernmost point where the sun doesn't rise on the winter solstice.


5. The arctic hare's white fur helps it blend in with its snowy surroundings, providing camouflage from predators.



1. polar(adj.):极地的,指南极或北极的

例句:Polar bears are found in the polar regions of the world.


2. frigid(adj.):极冷的,寒冷的

例句:The frigid temperatures in the arctic can be dangerous for those who are not properly dressed.


3. frozen(adj.):冻结的,结冰的

例句:The arctic tundra is covered in frozen soil for most of the year.



arctic是一个常用于描述北极地区和其生态的词汇,在英语中有着重要的意义。它可以作为形容词和名词使用,表达“北极”的意思。除了常见用法外,还可以通过与其他词汇搭配使用来表达更具体的含义,如arctic circle(北极圈)、arctic blast(寒流)。同时,它也有一些同义词可以替换使用,如polar、frigid等。在写作中要注意正确使用arctic,并且根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来表达更准确的意思。
