
英语口语2024-03-16 00:23:51小编






1. 作为副词使用:

a) 表示位置:We walked around the park.(我们在公园里走来走去。)

b) 表示方向:Turn around and face me.(转过身来面对我。)

c) 表示时间:I'll be there around 8 o'clock.(我大约8点左右会到那里。)

2. 作为介词使用:

a) 表示位置:The house is situated around a beautiful lake.(这座房子坐落在一片美丽的湖畔。)

b) 表示方向:She wrapped her arms around him.(她把双臂搂着他。)

c) 表示范围:There are many trees around the school.(学校周围有很多树木。)

3. 作为形容词使用:

a) 指周围的事物:The children were playing around the house.(孩子们在房子周围玩耍。)

b) 指附近的事物:There is a park around the corner.(转角处有一个公园。)


1. She looked around nervously, hoping to find a familiar face in the crowd.(她紧张地四处张望,希望能在人群中找到一个熟悉的面孔。)

2. The children ran around the playground, laughing and playing happily.(孩子们在操场上跑来跑去,欢笑着玩耍。)

3. I'll be traveling around Europe for a month, visiting different countries and experiencing different cultures.(我将在欧洲旅行一个月,参观不同的,体验不同的文化。)

4. The cat curled up in a ball and slept soundly on the cushion, with its tail wrapped around its body.(猫蜷缩成一团,在垫子上安静地睡着了,尾巴盘绕在身体周围。)

5. The store is having a sale, with discounts of up to 50% off on items all around the store.(商店正在举行折扣活动,全店商品最高可享受5折优惠。)


1. about:作为副词时,表示“大约”,作为介词时,表示“关于”。

例句:I'll be back in about an hour.(我大约一个小时后会回来。)

I've heard a lot about that movie.(我听说过那部电影很多。)

2. surrounding:作为形容词时,表示“周围的”,作为名词时,表示“环境”、“周围的事物”。

例句:The surrounding area is very beautiful.(周围地区非常美丽。)

She was aware of the dangers in her surroundings.(她意识到了周围的危险。)

3. nearby:作为形容词时,表示“附近的”,作为副词时,表示“在附近”。

例句:There is a park nearby where we can have a picnic.(附近有一个公园,我们可以在那里野餐。)

The supermarket is just nearby, within walking distance.(超市就在附近,步行可达。)

4. approximately:作为副词时,表示“大约”、“大概”,常用于正式场合。

例句:The project will cost approximately 10 million dollars.(这个项目将花费大约1000万美元。)

There were approximately 200 people at the conference.(上大约有200人。)


