
英语口语2024-03-16 00:47:57小编




arrived的音标为 /əˈraɪvd/。


1. 作为及物动词,arrived后面通常接表示地点的名词或代词,表示到达某个地方。

例:The train arrived at the station on time.(火车准时到达车站。)

2. 作为不及物动词,arrived后面不需要接任何宾语,表示自己或他人已经到达某个地方。

例:We arrived home late last night.(我们昨晚很晚才回家。)

3. 在口语中,arrived也可以用来表示某人已经成功或取得了成就。

例:He has finally arrived as a successful businessman.(他终于成为一位成功的商人。)

4. 在英式英语中,arrived也可以用来指某人已经死亡。

例:His grandfather has already arrived, but he still misses him very much.(他的祖父已经去世了,但他仍然非常想念他。)

5. 另外,在商务场合中,arrive还可以表示“做出决定”、“达成协议”。

例:We hope to arrive at a decision by the end of this month.(我们希望在本月底能做出决定。)


1. We arrived at the airport two hours before our flight.(我们提前两个小时到达机场。)

2. The package arrived at my doorstep this morning.(这个包裹今天早上到了我家门口。)

3. After years of hard work, she finally arrived at her dream job.(经过多年的努力,她终于得到了自己梦寐以求的工作。)

4. His father passed away last year, but he still feels like he just arrived yesterday.(他父亲去年去世了,但他仍然觉得就像昨天刚走的一样。)

5. We have been negotiating for weeks, but we still haven't arrived at a satisfactory agreement.(我们已经谈判了几个星期,但仍然没有达成一个令人满意的协议。)


1. Reach:与arrive一样,reach也可以表示“到达”,但它更多地强调抵达某地或某目标。

例:We reached our hotel in the evening after a long day of traveling.

2. Get to:与arrive类似,get to也可以表示“到达”,但它更常用于非正式场合。

例:I got to the party late, but I still had a great time.

3. Come:come也可以表示“到达”,但它更多地强调从某处来到另一个地方。

例:She came to my house for dinner last night.

4. Show up:show up也可以表示“到达”,但它更多地指突然出现或出现在某个场合。

例:He showed up at the meeting just in time.

5. Pull in:pull in也可以表示“到达”,但它更常用于描述交通工具的抵达。

例:The train pulled in at the platform.


arrived是一个常用的动词,意为“到达”。它可以用作及物动词和不及物动词,常与介词搭配使用。除了表示抵达某个地点外,它还可以表示取得成就、做出决定或协议等含义。在口语中,arrived也有死亡的含义。同义词包括reach、get to、come等。
