
英语口语2024-03-16 02:20:50小编





askfor的音标为/æsk fɔːr/。


1. askfor + 名词:表示“请求某物”、“要求某物”,常用于商业场景中。

- I went to the store to ask for a refund, but they refused.


- The job posting asks for a minimum of 3 years of experience.


2. askfor + 动词的-ing形式:表示“请求做某事”、“要求做某事”。

- She asked for helping her carry the boxes.


- They are always asking for more time to finish their project.


3. askfor + 人名/代词:表示“向某人提问”、“询问某人”的意思。

- Can I ask for your opinion on this matter?


- He asked for her whereabouts, but no one knew.


4. askfor + 介词短语:表示“要求某物”、“请求某物”的意思。

- The teacher asked for a quiet classroom.


- She asked for a raise in salary.


5. askfor + 名词/代词 + to do sth:表示“请求某人做某事”、“要求某人做某事”的意思。

- I asked for her to help me with my homework.


- They asked for us to join their team.



1. He always asks for more food, even though he hasn't finished what's on his plate.


2. The customer asked for a discount on the product, but the salesperson refused.


3. The children are constantly asking for new toys.


4. I can't believe he had the audacity to ask for my car without even offering to pay for gas.


5. The interviewer asked for my previous work experience.



1. request:表示“请求”、“要求”,语气比askfor更正式。

2. demand:表示“强烈要求”、“坚决要求”,语气比askfor更强烈。

3. beg:表示“恳求”、“乞求”,语气比askfor更委婉。

4. inquire:表示“询问”,通常用于正式场合或者有礼貌的询问。

5. petition:表示“”、“申请”,通常用于正式文书。


askfor是一个常用的动词,意为“请求”、“要求”。它可以与名词、动词的-ing形式、人名/代词、介词短语和to do sth搭配使用。在口语中,它也可以用来表示“询问”的意思。为了避免重复使用同一个单词,在写作中可以尝试使用其同义词来替换。
