
英语口语2024-03-16 09:23:00小编




awkward [ˈɔːkwəd]


1. 形容人:当形容一个人时,awkward通常表示他们在社交场合或表达自己时感到不自信、笨拙或局促不安。

例:She felt awkward and out of place at the party.(她在派对上感到笨拙和格格不入。)

2. 形容物体:当形容物体时,awkward通常表示它们有些难以操纵、摆放或使用。

例:The furniture arrangement in the room was awkward and made it difficult to move around.(房间里家具的摆放很别扭,让人很难走动。)

3. 形容情况:当形容情况时,awkward通常表示它们令人感到尴尬、不舒服或令人难堪。

例:There was an awkward silence between them after the argument.(争吵后他们之间出现了尴尬的沉默。)

4. 形容动作:当形容动作时,awkward通常表示它们显得笨拙、不灵活或不自然。

例:He tripped and fell, making an awkward attempt to catch the ball.(他绊倒了,笨拙地试图接住球。)

5. 形容关系:当形容关系时,awkward通常表示它们有些尴尬或不和谐。

例:It was awkward for them to work together after their breakup.(分手后他们一起工作感到很别扭。)


1. She felt awkward and out of place at the party.


2. The furniture arrangement in the room was awkward and made it difficult to move around.


3. There was an awkward silence between them after the argument.


4. He tripped and fell, making an awkward attempt to catch the ball.


5. It was awkward for them to work together after their breakup.



1. Clumsy - 笨拙的,与awkward的用法相似,但更强调不灵活和笨拙。

例:He is so clumsy that he often drops things.(他太笨拙了,经常会掉东西。)

2. Uncomfortable - 不舒服的,与awkward的用法类似,但更强调身体或情绪上的不适。

例:The chair was so uncomfortable that I couldn't sit on it for long.(这把椅子太不舒服了,我坐不了太久。)

3. Embarrassed - 尴尬的,与awkward的用法相似,但更强调因为某种原因而感到尴尬。

例:He felt embarrassed when he realized he had forgotten his lines on stage.(当他意识到自己在舞台上忘记台词时,他感到很尴尬。)

4. Inept - 不熟练的,与awkward的用法类似,但更强调缺乏技能或能力。

例:She is completely inept at cooking and always burns everything.(她完全不擅长做饭,总是把东西烧焦。)

5. Ungraceful - 不优雅的,与awkward的用法相似,但更强调缺乏优雅和美感。

例:Her dancing was ungraceful and awkward, causing everyone to cringe.(她跳舞很没有优雅和美感,让所有人都觉得难受。)


