
英语口语2024-03-16 11:01:54小编



1. I'm so glad you're back on your feet after your surgery. (我很高兴你在手术后恢复得如此好。)

2. The company is back on track after a few difficult years. (经过几年的艰难时期,公司又回到了正轨。)

3. I need to get back on my diet and start eating healthier again. (我需要重新开始我的节食计划,开始再次健康饮食。)

4. The power is back on after the storm knocked out the electricity. (暴风雨导致停电后,电力已经恢复。)

5. After a long break, the band is back on tour and performing in cities all over the country. (经过长时间的休息,乐队又开始巡演,在全国各地的城市表演。)


1. Return:作为动词时,意思与backon相同,也可以表示“归还”、“回报”。:Please return your library books by Friday.(请在星期五之前归还你的图书馆书籍。) 作为名词时,意思是“返回”、“回归”。:The return of warm weather has brought out the flowers.(温暖的天气的回归让花朵绽放。)

2. Revert:作为动词时,意思是“恢复到原来的状态”、“重新开始”。:I hope he will revert to his old self after the accident.(我希望他在事故后能回到原来的自己。) 作为名词时,意思是“回复”、“恢复”。:The company is waiting for a revert from the client regarding their proposal.(公司正在等待客户对他们提案的答复。)

3. Resume:作为动词时,意思是“重新开始”、“继续”。:After the break, we will resume our meeting at 2 pm.(休息后,我们将在下午2点继续开会。) 作为名词时,意思是“简历”、“履历表”。:Please send your resume to our HR department for consideration.(请将你的简历发送给我们的人力资源部门进行考虑。)


