
英语口语2024-03-16 12:56:55小编




[ bɔːl ]


1. 作为名词:

a. 表示球体或者球状物:The children were playing with a ball in the park.(孩子们在公园里玩球。)

b. 表示舞会:We had a great time at the ball last night.(昨晚我们在舞会上玩得很开心。)

c. 表示一小团东西:He swallowed a ball of rice without chewing it properly.(他咽下了一团米饭而没有好好嚼。)

2. 作为动词:

a. 把……弄成球状:She balled up the piece of paper and threw it in the trash can.(她把那张纸揉成了一团扔进了垃圾桶。)

b. 玩球类游戏:The kids were balling in the backyard all afternoon.(孩子们整个下午都在后院玩球类游戏。)


1. The basketball is a round ball that is used in the popular sport of basketball.


2. The ballroom was beautifully decorated for the charity ball.


3. The chef rolled the dough into a ball and then flattened it out to make a pizza.


4. We had a great time playing ball in the park with our friends.


5. She balled up her socks and threw them in the laundry basket.



1. sphere:作为名词,表示“球体”或者“范围”。例句:The earth is a sphere that rotates on its axis.(地球是一个绕着自转轴旋转的球体。)

2. globe:作为名词,表示“地球仪”或者“全球”。例句:The globe in the classroom shows all the countries of the world.(教室里的地球仪显示了世界上所有的。)

3. orb:作为名词,表示“天体”或者“眼珠”。例句:The moon is a bright orb in the night sky.(月亮是夜空中明亮的天体。)

4. play:作为动词,表示“玩耍”或者“扮演”。例句:The children were playing with their toys in the playroom.(孩子们在游戏室里和他们的玩具玩耍。)

5. roll:作为动词,表示“滚动”或者“卷起”。例句:He rolled the dice and got a six.(他掷骰子得了六点。)


ball是一个多义的单词,它既可以作为名词,表示球体或者球状物,也可以作为动词,表示把东西弄成球状或者玩球类游戏。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到ball这个单词来指代各种不同的球类运动、舞会、小团物体等。除了以上提到的同义词外,还有许多其他与ball相关的词汇,如football(足球)、baseball(棒球)、tennis ball(网球)、snowball(雪球)等等。因此,在学习和使用英语时,我们需要根据具体语境来理解和运用ball这个单词,并且要注意区分不同含义之间的差异。
