
英语口语2024-03-16 16:25:17小编




bastard [ˈbæstəd]


1. 作为名词:

- My grandfather was a bastard, his father was a wealthy businessman and his mother was a maid.


- He always felt like an outsider in his own family because he was the only bastard.


2. 作为形容词:

- The bastard child was often treated unfairly by the other children in school.


- I can't believe he would do such a bastard thing to his own brother!



1. He was born a bastard, but he never let that define him. (他出生就是个私生子,但他从来没有让这事定义自己。)

2. The novel tells the story of a young woman who struggles to find her place in society as a bastard child. (这部小说讲述了一个年轻女子如何努力在社会中找到自己作为私生子的位置。)

3. John's father was a bastard, but he never knew who his real father was. (约翰的父亲是个私生子,但他从来不知道自己的真正父亲是谁。)

4. She always felt like a bastard child, even though her parents were married when she was born. (尽管她的父母在她出生时已经结婚,但她总觉得自己像个私生子。)

5. He inherited his father's fortune, but he could never shake off the stigma of being a bastard. (他继承了父亲的财富,但他无法摆脱作为私生子带来的污名。)


1. illegitimate:指父母未婚或不合法结婚所生的孩子,与bastard意思相同。

- The illegitimate child was often looked down upon by society.


2. half-breed:指混血儿或杂种。

- She is a half-breed, her mother is Chinese and her father is American.


3. love child:指父母未婚时所生的孩子,有时也可指私生子。

- The famous actor's love child was kept secret for many years.


4. by-blow:指私生子。

- He found out he had a by-blow brother when his father passed away.



