
英语口语2024-03-16 18:43:06小编



1. I need a beaker to measure the amount of liquid for this experiment.(我需要一个烧杯来测量这个实验所需的液体量。)

2. The scientist carefully poured the solution into the beaker.(科学家小心地将溶液倒入烧杯中。)

3. The beaker shattered when it was dropped on the floor.(当烧杯掉落在地板上时,它碎裂了。)

4. She used a beaker to mix the ingredients for her baking project.(她用一个烧杯来混合她做蛋糕的配料。)

5. The chemistry students were each given a beaker to conduct their experiments with.(化学学生们每人都被分配了一个烧杯来进行实验。)



四:1. I need a beaker to measure the amount of liquid for this experiment.

2. The scientist carefully poured the solution into the beaker.

3. The beaker shattered when it was dropped on the floor.

4. She used a beaker to mix the ingredients for her baking project.

5. The chemistry students were each given a beaker to conduct their experiments with.

1. 我需要一个烧杯来测量这个实验所需的液体量。

2. 科学家小心地将溶液倒入烧杯中。

3. 当烧杯掉落在地板上时,它碎裂了。

4. 她用一个烧杯来混合她做蛋糕的配料。

5. 化学学生们每人都被分配了一个烧杯来进行实验。

五:beaker的同义词可以是flask、test tube、cylinder等。它们也都可以作为实验室用的容器,但形状和用途可能有所不同。,flask是一种有颈部和平底的容器,常用于混合和加热液体;test tube是一种长而细的圆柱形容器,常用于保存和观察小样本;cylinder则是一种有圆柱形侧壁和平底的容器,常用于测量体积。

