
英语口语2024-03-16 20:40:55小编




1. 作为动词,befit表示“适合,相称”,常用于被动语态。

例句:Her elegant dress befits the occasion. (她优雅的服装很适合这个场合。)

2. 作为形容词,befit表示“适当的,相称的”。

例句:It is not befitting for a lady to use such language. (女士使用这样的语言不太恰当。)

3. befit也可以接名词或代词作宾语。

例句:He received a promotion that was befitting of his hard work. (他得到了一次符合他辛勤工作的晋升。)

例句:She gave him a gift that was befitting of their friendship. (她给了他一份符合他们友谊的礼物。)

4. 常见搭配:

- befit someone/something:适合某人/某事物

- befitting of someone/something:符合某人/某事物的身份或地位

5. 过去式和过去分词为befitted。


1. Her behavior is not befitting of a queen.


2. The grand ceremony was befitting of their love for each other.


3. She received a title that was befitting of her contributions to the company.


4. The decorations were befitting of a royal wedding.


5. He was given a position that was befitting of his skills and experience.



1. suit:适合,相称,常用于主动语态。

例句:The job doesn't suit me. (这份工作不适合我。)

2. fit:适合,常用于被动语态。

例句:This dress fits you perfectly. (这件连衣裙很适合你。)

3. match:相称,匹配。

例句:The color of the curtains matches the furniture in the room. (窗帘颜色和房间里的家具相称。)

4. be appropriate for/to:适合,与...相配。

例句:His behavior is not appropriate for this formal event. (他的行为不太适合这个正式场合。)


befit是一个常用的英文单词,意思是“适合”的意思。它可以用作动词或形容词,表示某事物与某人或某场合相称。它的常见搭配有“befit someone/something”和“befitting of someone/something”。同义词有suit、fit、match和be appropriate for/to。在使用时,需要注意宾语的位置和使用被动语态还是主动语态。
