
英语口语2024-03-16 22:29:42小编


bend是一个英语单词,意思是“弯曲”、“弯折”、“屈服”等。它可以用作动词和名词,常见的用法有bend over、bend down、bend the rules等。下面将详细介绍这个单词的含义、读音、用法和例句,并提供一些同义词及其用法。




1. 作动词时,主要有以下几种用法:

a. 弯曲:指物体的形状或方向发生改变。

例:The tree was bending in the strong wind.(树在强风中弯曲了。)

b. 弯下身子:指身体向前弯曲。

例:She bent over to pick up the pen from the floor.(她弯下身子从地上捡起笔。)

c. 屈服:指在某种压力或影响下放弃原来的想法或立场。

例:He finally bent to his wife's wishes and agreed to go on vacation with her.(最终他屈服于妻子的愿望,同意和她一起去度假。)

d. 引导:指引导某人做某事。

例:She skillfully bent the conversation towards a more positive ic.(她巧妙地引导话题转向更积极的话题。)

e. 转变:指改变某种情况或状态。

例:The company had to bend its policies in order to attract more customers.(公司不得不改变以吸引更多的客户。)

2. 作名词时,主要有以下两种用法:

a. 弯曲处:指物体弯曲的地方。

例:The road has a sharp bend ahead, so be careful when you drive.(前面有一个急转弯,开车时要小心。)

b. 屈服:指在某种压力或影响下放弃原来的想法或立场。

例:She refused to give in and stood firm against all the bending from her colleagues.(她拒绝屈服,坚持对同事们的所有压力。)


1. The old man's back was bent from years of hard labor.(老人因多年辛苦劳动而驼背。)

2. She bent down to tie her shoelaces and noticed a small flower growing in the crack of the pavement.(她弯下身子系鞋带时注意到路面裂缝里长着一朵小花。)

3. The government is not willing to bend on this issue, even under pressure from other countries.(即使受到其他的压力,也不愿意在这个问题上让步。)

4. He tried to bend the truth, but we all knew he was lying.(他试图歪曲事实,但我们都知道他在撒谎。)

5. The road ahead has a sharp bend, so slow down and be careful.(前面有一个急转弯,所以要减速小心驾驶。)


1. Curve:指物体的形状或方向发生连续的变化。

例:The river follows a gentle curve through the valley.(河流在山谷里呈现出温和的弯曲。)

2. Flex:指物体柔软地弯曲或扭动。

例:The yoga instructor showed us how to flex our bodies in different poses.(瑜伽教练教我们如何以不同的姿势来扭动身体。)

3. Yield:指在压力下屈服或让步。

例:The government refused to yield to the demands of the protesters.(拒绝屈从于者的要求。)

4. Twist:指物体旋转或扭动。

例:She twisted her ankle while playing basketball and had to sit out for the rest of the game.(她在打篮球时扭伤了脚踝,只能坐在一旁观看比赛的余下时间。)

5. Incline:指物体向某个方向倾斜。

例:The roof is designed to incline at an angle of 30 degrees for better drainage.(屋顶设计成30度角倾斜,以便更好地排水。)


bend是一个常用的英语单词,意思是“弯曲”、“弯折”、“屈服”等。它可以用作动词和名词,常见的用法有bend over、bend down、bend the rules等。除了基本含义之外,它还有引导、转变等抽象的用法。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来替换bend,增加句子的多样性。
