Bloodisthickerthanwater是一个英语短语,意思是“血浓于水”,指的是家庭、亲属关系比其他任何关系更加重要和牢固。这个短语源自古代拉丁谚语“sanguis est aqua vitae”,意为“血液是生命的水源”。
[blood ɪz ˈθɪkə ðən ˈwɔtər]
1. Family is everything to me, blood is thicker than water and I would do anything for them. (家庭对我来说很重要,血浓于水,我愿意为他们做任何事情。)
2. Even though we have our differences, at the end of the day, blood is thicker than water and we will always stick together as a family. (虽然我们有分歧,但最终,血浓于水,我们会作为一个家庭团结在一起。)
3. She may have made mistakes, but she's still my sister and blood is thicker than water. (她可能犯了错误,但她仍然是我的妹妹,血浓于水。)
4. In times of need, we can always count on our family, because blood is thicker than water. (在需要的时候,我们总是可以依靠我们的家人,因为血浓于水。)
5. They may not be related by blood, but their bond is as strong as any family because blood is thicker than water. (他们可能没有血缘关系,但他们的纽带和任何一个家庭一样牢固,因为血浓于水。)
1. Family comes first – 家庭第一
2. Blood runs thicker than water – 血浓于水
3. Blood ties – 血缘关系
4. Kinship – 亲属关系
5. Flesh and blood – 骨肉之情