怎么读(音标):[ˈbɪznɪs plæn]
例句1:We need to come up with a solid business plan before we can secure funding for our startup. (在获得资金支持之前,我们需要拟定一份可靠的商业计划书。)
例句2:The business plan outlines our company's goals and strategies for the next five years. (这份商业计划书概述了我们公司未来五年的目标和策略。)
例句3:She spent months working on her business plan, making sure every detail was perfect. (她花了几个月时间制定商业计划书,确保每一个细节都完美无缺。)
例句4:The investors were impressed by the thoroughness of our business plan and decided to fund our project. (投资者对我们详尽的商业计划书印象深刻,并决定资助我们的项目。)
例句5:As part of the business plan, we included a market analysis to better understand our target audience. (作为商业计划书的一部分,我们包含了一份市场分析,以更好地了解我们的目标受众。)
同义词及用法:businessplan的同义词包括business proposal、business outline、strategic plan等。它们都可以用来表示商业计划书,但有些许差异。business proposal通常指针对特定项目或合作伙伴提出的商业计划,而business outline则更加强调对企业发展目标和战略的概述。strategic plan则更加侧重于制定长期发展战略和规划。