
英语口语2024-03-18 02:21:14小编






1. 作为名词使用时,circuit通常指电路或者回路。它可以指电子设备中的连接线路,也可以指汽车或飞机上的电子。:

- The circuit board is responsible for connecting all the components in this device.


- The plane's navigation system was damaged and the pilot had to manually control the circuit.


2. 作为名词还可以表示环行或巡回赛。:

- The Formula One circuit has been cancelled due to bad weather.


- The band is currently on a world tour, they will perform at different circuits in the next few months.


3. 作为动词使用时,circuit表示环绕或巡回。:

- The river circuits around the small town, making it a popular spot for tourists.


- The police officer had to circuit the area several times before finding the missing child.



1. The electricity in our house went out because of a problem in the circuit.(因为电路出了问题,我们家里的电力中断了。)

2. The race car driver completed the circuit in record-breaking time.(赛车手以创纪录的时间完成了这个回路赛。)

3. We need to circuit this room with more outlets for all of our electronic devices.(我们需要在这个房间里增加更多插座来连接所有的电子设备。)

4. The band's concert was a huge success, they will be back on this circuit next year.(这个乐队的演唱会非常成功,他们明年还会来到这个巡回赛场地。)

5. Our tour guide took us to circuit around the city and showed us all the famous landmarks.(我们的导游带领我们环游城市,并向我们展示所有著名的地标。)


1. loop:作为名词时,loop可以指电路中的回路,也可以指环形物。作为动词时,loop表示环绕或循环。:

- The loop was responsible for connecting the wires in this circuit.


- The roller coaster has a loop that gives riders an rush.


- The band will loop around Europe for their concert tour.


2. round:作为名词时,round可以指环形物或者巡回赛。作为动词时,round表示环绕或者巡回。:

- The runner completed the final round of the race and won the gold medal.


- We need to round off the edges of this table to prevent anyone from getting hurt.


- The band is currently rounding up their world tour in Asia.


3. route:作为名词时,route可以指行进的路径或者旅行的路线。作为动词时,route表示导向或者安排行程。:

- The hikers followed a route that took them through the mountains and into the valley.


- The airline has routed all flights to avoid the stormy weather.


- The tour guide will route us to the best spots for taking photos.



