
英语口语2024-03-18 03:01:52小编




1. 作为名词使用时,clamp通常指一种用来固定物体的工具,可以用来固定木材、金属或其他材料。它通常由两个可移动的部分组成,通过旋转螺丝或压紧手柄来夹紧物体。:

- The carpenter used a clamp to hold the wood in place while he was sawing it.(这位木匠在锯木头时用了一个夹子将木头固定住。)

- The mechanic used a clamp to secure the metal part in place before welding it.(这位机修工在焊接前用一个夹子将金属零件固定住。)

2. 作为动词使用时,clamp指通过使用夹紧装置来固定物体。:

- He clamped the papers together and put them into the folder.(他将文件夹放在一起,并把它们放进文件夹里。)

- She clamped the lid tightly on the jar to prevent any spills.(她把罐子盖紧以防止溢出。)

3. clamp还可以用作及物动词,表示“强加限制”、“压制”。:

- The government clamped down on illegal activities in the city.(严厉打击城市内的非法活动。)

- The teacher clamped down on students who were talking during class.(老师对在课堂上说话的学生采取了严厉措施。)

4. 另外,clamp也可以作为形容词使用,表示“紧密固定的”、“夹紧的”。:

- The clamp connection between the two pipes was very strong.(两根管子之间的夹紧连接非常牢固。)

- He used a clamp grip to hold onto the rope while climbing the mountain.(他在爬山时用夹紧握住绳子。)


1. The doctor used a clamp to hold the artery closed while performing surgery.


2. She couldn't open the jar because it was clamped shut.


3. The police clamped down on illegal street vendors.


4. He clamped his hand over her mouth to s her from screaming.


5. The mechanic used a clamp to hold the car parts in place while repairing the engine.



1. grip:作为名词时,与clamp的意思相似,表示“紧握”、“紧抓”。:

- The climber had a tight grip on the rope as he descended the cliff.(攀登者在下降悬崖时紧紧抓住绳子。)

- She loosened her grip on the steering wheel and took a deep breath.(她松开方向盘,深吸了一口气。)

2. fasten:作为动词时,与clamp的意思相近,表示“固定”、“扣紧”。:

- He fastened the seatbelt before starting the car.(他在启动汽车前系好了安全带。)

- She used a clip to fasten her hair back from her face.(她用夹子把头发从脸上别开。)


