
英语口语2024-03-18 08:43:05小编




complex [ˈkɒmpleks]


1. 作形容词时,complex通常用来修饰名词,表示事物具有多个部分、层次或因素,难以理解或解决。:

- The human brain is a complex organ that scientists are still trying to fully understand. (人类大脑是一个复杂的器官,科学家们仍在努力完全理解它。)

- The political situation in this country is very complex and it will take time to find a solution. (这个的局势非常复杂,需要时间来找到解决方案。)

2. 作名词时,complex可以指代一个建筑群、企业组织、心理状态等。:

- The shopping complex near my house has a variety of stores and restaurants. (我家附近的购物中心有各种商店和餐厅。)

- The company has a complex structure with many departments and branches. (这家公司有着复杂的结构,有许多部门和分支。)

3. 在数学领域,complex作为名词,指代复数(复数形式为complexes)。:

- In mathematics, complex numbers have both real and imaginary parts. (在数学中,复数有实部和虚部。)

4. 在心理学领域,complex指代心理上的困扰或障碍。:

- The therapist helped her to overcome her childhood complex. (治疗师帮助她克服了她的童年心理困扰。)


1. The plot of the movie is so complex that it's hard to follow. (这部电影的情节太复杂了,很难跟上。)

2. The political situation in the country is a complex web of alliances and conflicts. (这个的局势是一个由联盟和构成的复杂网络。)

3. The chemical reaction is quite complex and requires precise measurements. (这种化学反应非常复杂,需要精确的测量。)

4. She has a lot of emotional complexes that make it difficult for her to form relationships with others. (她有很多情感上的困扰,使得她难以与他人建立关系。)

5. The shopping complex has a cinema, a bowling alley, and several restaurants all in one place. (购物中心里了电影院、保龄球馆和几家餐厅。)


1. complicated:也可以表示“复杂的”,但它更强调事物有许多细节或难以理解。:The instructions for assembling the furniture are very complicated. (组装家具的说明非常复杂。)

2. intricate:也可以表示“复杂的”,但它更强调事物有许多错综复杂的部分或关系。:The design of the building is very intricate, with many hidden details. (这座建筑的设计非常错综复杂,有许多隐藏的细节。)

3. convoluted:也可以表示“复杂的”,但它更强调事物有许多曲折、难以理解的部分或关系。:The plot of the novel is too convoluted for me to follow. (这本小说的情节对我来说太曲折了,我跟不上。)


