
英语口语2024-03-18 15:25:55小编








1. 作为名词:

- The army launched a fierce counterattack against the enemy.(对敌人发起了猛烈的反击。)

- The team's counterattack caught their opponents off guard.(球队的反击让对手措手不及。)

2. 作为动词:

- The soldiers were ready to counterattack at any moment.(士们随时准备进行反击。)

- We must counterattack with all our strength to defend our territory.(我们必须全力以赴进行反击来保卫我们的。)


1. The company was under attack by its compes, but it quickly launched a counterattack to protect its market share.(公司遭到竞争对手的攻击,但很快发起了反击来保护自己的市场份额。)

2. The students were being bullied by a group of older kids, but they counterattacked with their own words and stood up for themselves.(学生们被一群年长的孩子欺负,但他们用自己的话反击,并为自己挺身而出。)

3. After losing the first set, the tennis player launched a series of counterattacks and eventually won the match.(网球选手在输掉第一盘后,发起了一系列的反击,并最终赢得了比赛。)

4. The government's new policy has faced strong counterattacks from opposition parties and the public.(的新受到了反对党和公众的强烈反击。)

5. The country was under threat from neighboring countries, but its military forces were ready to counterattack if necessary.(该国受到邻国的威胁,但其力量随时准备进行反击,以防万一。)


1. retaliate:意为“报复,回敬”,常指采取相同或类似手段回应对方的攻击或行为。

- The company vowed to retaliate against its compes for their unfair business practices.(公司发誓要报复竞争对手不公平的商业行为。)

- The two countries have been retaliating against each other for years, leading to a never-ending cycle of conflict.(这两个多年来一直在互相报复,导致了一个永无止境的循环。)

2. fight back:意为“反击,还击”,强调通过行动来回应对方的攻击。

- The team was losing, but they fought back and managed to turn the game around.(球队一开始落后,但他们反击并设法扭转了比赛局面。)

- She was being harassed by her boss, but she fought back and reported him to HR.(她受到老板的骚扰,但她反击并向人力资源部门举报了他。)

3. strike back:意为“反击,回击”,强调采取积极行动来回应对方的攻击。

- The country was attacked by terrorists, but it struck back with a powerful military operation.(该国遭到袭击,但它采取强有力的行动进行了回击。)

- The workers went on strike to strike back against the company's unfair labor practices.(工人们以回应公司不公平的劳工做法。)


Counterattack是一个常用的英文单词,意为“反击,反攻”。它可以用作名词或动词,在实际使用中通常指的是在遭受攻击或挑衅后进行的回应性行动。它的同义词包括retaliate、fight back和strike back,但它们之间有细微的差别。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要清楚地理解单词的意思、用法及其同义词,以便准确地翻译和解释给读者。同时,我们也要注意避免重复使用相同的表达方式,尽可能丰富语言表达,使文章更加生动有趣。
