
英语口语2024-03-18 22:39:54小编



dealwith是一个动词,意为“处理;应对;解决”。它通常用来描述处理某种问题或情况,或者应对某种挑战或困难。它也可以表示与某人交易或谈判。在口语中,deal with也可以作为一个短语动词,意为“和……打交道”。


[diːl wɪθ]


1. deal with + 名词/代词:表示处理某种问题或情况。

- She is good at dealing with difficult customers.(她擅长应对难缠的顾客。)

- We need to deal with this issue as soon as possible.(我们需要尽快处理这个问题。)

2. deal with + 动名词:表示应对某种挑战或困难。

- I'm not sure how to deal with this unexpected situation.(我不确定如何应对这个意外的情况。)

- He has to learn how to deal with stress in a healthy way.(他必须学会如何以健康的方式应对压力。)

3. deal with + 介词短语:表示与某人交易或谈判。

- We are dealing with a new supplier for our products.(我们正在与一家新供应商谈判我们的产品。)

- The company has been dealing with this client for many years.(这家公司已经与这个客户合作多年了。)

4. deal with + 不定式:表示打算或计划处理某事。

- I will deal with the paperwork tomorrow.(我明天会处理这些文件。)

- She is trying to figure out how to deal with her boss's unreasonable demands.(她正在努力想出如何应对老板的不合理要求。)


1. She knows how to deal with difficult situations calmly and efficiently.


2. The government needs to deal with the problem of air pollution urgently.


3. I'm sorry, but I can't deal with your request right now as I am busy.


4. We have been dealing with this supplier for years and they have always provided good quality products.


5. My parents always taught me to deal with others fairly and honestly.



1. handle:意为“处理;应付;操纵”。它可以替换deal with,但更多地用于描述处理具体的物品或事物。

- He knows how to handle a difficult customer.(他知道如何应对难缠的顾客。)

- Can you handle this heavy suitcase for me?(你能帮我搬这个重箱子吗?)

2. cope with:意为“应对;处理;对付”。它与deal with的用法相似,但更多地强调应对挑战或困难。

- She is struggling to cope with the loss of her husband.(她正在努力应对丈夫的去世。)

- How do you cope with the pressure of your job?(你是如何应对工作压力的?)

3. manage:意为“管理;处理;设法解决”。它可以替换deal with,但更多地强调通过努力或技巧来解决问题。

- I'm sure we can manage this situation together.(我相信我们可以一起解决这个情况。)

- The company needs someone who can manage difficult situations effectively.(公司需要有人能够有效地处理困难的情况。)


Dealwith是一个常用的动词,表示“处理;应对;解决”。它通常用来描述处理某种问题或情况,或者应对某种挑战或困难。它也可以表示与某人交易或谈判。在口语中,deal with也可以作为一个短语动词,意为“和……打交道”。除了deal with之外,还有一些同义词可以替换使用,如handle、cope with和manage。因此,在日常生活中,我们可以根据具体的语境来选择合适的动词来表达应对问题或处理事物的能力。
