
英语口语2024-03-19 02:18:03小编





derive的音标为 /dɪˈraɪv/,其中də为弱读音。


1. 表示从某个来源或原因中产生出来的东西。

- The word "chocolate" derives from the Aztec word "xocoatl".


- The company's profits derive mainly from its overseas operations.


2. 表示从某个基础或根本中衍生出来的东西。

- Her novel derives its strength from her own experiences.


- The new product is derived from an ancient recipe.


3. 可以与介词from连用,表示从某处获得或得到。

- He derives great pleasure from reading.


- She derives her inspiration from nature.


4. 还可以用作及物动词,表示从某种情况或条件中推断出某种结论。

- The scientists derived the formula from their experiments.


- The judge derived his decision from the evidence presented in court.



1. The English word "alphabet" derives from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, alpha and beta. (英语单词“alphabet”源自希腊字母表的前两个字母,alpha和beta。)

2. The company's success is derived from its innovative approach to marketing. (该公司的成功来自于其创新的营销方式。)

3. Her talent for music is derived from her parents, who are both musicians. (她对音乐的天赋来源于她的父母,他们都是音乐家。)

4. The recipe for this dish is derived from a traditional family recipe passed down through generations. (这道菜的配方源自一道代代相传的传统家庭食谱。)

5. The researchers were able to derive a solution to the problem after months of experiments and analysis. (经过数月的实验和分析,研究人员成功推导出了这个问题的解决方案。)


1. originate:与derive相似,都表示某种事物的起源或来源。但originate更强调事物的最初产生,而derive更强调从某个基础或根本中衍生出来。

- The idea for this project originated from a conversation I had with my friend. (这个项目的想法来自我和朋友的一次谈话。)

- The company's profits are derived from its successful business model. (该公司的利润来自其成功的商业模式。)

2. stem from:与derive类似,也表示某种事物的来源或起源。但stem from更强调事物所产生的原因或根源。

- The conflict between the two countries stems from a long history of territorial disputes. (两国之间的源自长期以来的争端。)

- Her fear of dogs stems from a traumatic experience in her childhood. (她对狗有恐惧感是因为她童年时期经历过一次创伤。)

3. evolve:与derive类似,也可以表示从某个基础或根本中发展出来。但evolve更强调事物发展过程中所经历的变化。

- The English language has evolved over centuries, deriving words from various other languages. (英语在几个世纪的发展过程中,从其他各种语言中衍生出了词汇。)

- The company's business model has evolved from a traditional brick-and-mortar store to an e-commerce platform. (该公司的商业模式从传统的实体店发展为电子商务。)


