
英语口语2024-03-19 02:52:50小编






1. 作为名词时,despair常常与介词in连用,表示在某种情况下感到绝望。:

- He was filled with despair in the face of overwhelming odds.(面对压倒性的困难,他充满了绝望。)

- The country is in a state of despair after the devastating earthquake.(这个在经历了毁灭性地震后陷入了绝望之中。)

2. 作为动词时,despair常与不定式to连用,表示放弃希望。:

- She despaired to ever find true love again after her divorce.(离婚后她对再次找到真爱感到绝望。)

- They despaired to make any progress in their research without proper funding.(没有适当的资金支持,他们放弃了研究中取得任何进展的希望。)

3. 作为形容词时,despair修饰名词或代词,表示“极度绝望的”。:

- The villagers were in a state of despair after their crops were destroyed by the flood.(洪水摧毁了村民的庄稼,他们陷入了绝望之中。)

- She had a despair look on her face when she heard the bad news.(听到坏消息后,她脸上露出绝望的表情。)


1. The refugees were filled with despair as they fled their war-torn country.(难民们逃离饱受战争蹂躏的时充满了绝望。)

2. She despaired of ever finding a job in this small town.(她对在这个小镇找到工作感到绝望。)

3. The team was on the brink of despair after losing five games in a row.(球队连续输掉五场比赛后濒临绝望。)

4. He was in a state of despair when he realized he had lost his wallet with all his money inside.(当他意识到自己丢失了装有所有钱财的钱包时,他陷入了绝望之中。)

5. Despite their despair, the survivors never gave up hope of being rescued.(尽管感到绝望,幸存者们从未放弃被救援的希望。)


1. hopelessness:名词,表示没有希望或可能性。

:The villagers were filled with hopelessness as they watched their homes being destroyed by the hurricane.(当村民们看着自己的家被飓风摧毁时,他们充满了绝望。)

2. desperation:名词,表示极度绝望和无助。

:The family's desperation was evident as they begged for food on the streets.(这个家庭在街头乞讨食物时表现出了极度的绝望。)

3. despondency:名词,表示失去信心和希望。

:The students' despondency was apparent when they failed the exam for the third time.(学生们第三次考试不及格时失去了信心和希望。)

4. resignation:名词,表示无可奈何地接受现实。

:With a sense of resignation, she accepted that her dream of becoming a doctor would never come true.(她无可奈何地接受自己成为医生的梦想永远不会实现。)

5. discouragement:名词,表示灰心和失去勇气。

:Despite all the discouragement, she never gave up on her dream of becoming a successful writer.(尽管遇到了很多挫折,她从未放弃成为一名成功作家的梦想。)


