
英语口语2024-03-19 04:39:55小编


Difficulty is a noun that refers to the state or condition of being difficult or hard. It can also refer to a problem or obstacle that makes something hard to accomplish.

Pronunciation: [dɪˈfɪkəlti]


1. The difficulty of the task was overwhelming.


2. We encountered many difficulties during our journey.


3. I had difficulty understanding the instructions.


4. The company is facing financial difficulties.


5. Overcoming this difficulty will require a lot of effort.



1. Challenge - something that tests one's abilities or resources, especially in a demanding way.

挑战 - 指考验某人能力或资源的事物,尤其是以苛刻的方式。

2. Obstacle - something that blocks or hinders progress.

障碍 - 指阻碍或妨碍进展的事物。

3. Hardship - severe suffering or privation, especially as a result of adverse circumstances.

困苦 - 指由于逆境而导致的严重痛苦或匮乏。

4. Struggle - a forceful effort to overcome something difficult or resist something unwanted.

奋斗 - 指为克服某件困难或某件不受欢迎的事物而进行的有力努力。

5. Hurdle - an obstacle or difficulty that must be overcome.

障碍 - 指必须克服的障碍或困难。

Editor's Summary:

Difficulty is a common word that describes something that is hard to do or understand. It can be used in various contexts, such as referring to a task, problem, or situation. Synonyms for difficulty include challenge, obstacle, hardship, struggle, and hurdle. When using this word, it is important to consider the specific context and choose the most appropriate synonym to convey the intended meaning.
