
英语口语2024-03-19 08:52:53小编




1. 作为名词,domicile通常用来指一个人的住所或居住国。:

- The couple's new domicile is a spacious apartment in the city center. (这对夫妇的新居所是市中心一间宽敞的公寓。)

- He has changed his domicile several times in the past year. (过去一年里,他已经换了好几次住所。)

2. 在法律用语中,domicile指一个人在法律意义上的住所或居住国。:

- According to the law, a person's domicile is determined by their permanent residence or where they have their primary interests. (根据法律规定,一个人的住所由他们的永久居住地或主要利益所在地决定。)

- The company's domicile is in New York, but it has offices all over the world. (该公司的总部在纽约,但它在世界各地都有办事处。)

3. 动词形式domicile可以表示“定居”、“迁入”、“入驻”等含义。:

- The family plans to domicile in the countryside next year. (这家人计划明年在乡下定居。)

- The new company will domicile in the old factory building. (新公司将入驻旧工厂大楼。)


1. She has lived in London for many years, but her domicile is still in Paris. (她已经在伦敦生活了很多年,但她的住所仍然在巴黎。)

2. According to the law, your domicile is considered to be where you have your permanent home and your primary interests. (根据法律,你的住所被认为是你永久居住地和主要利益所在地。)

3. The couple's new domicile is a beautiful villa by the beach. (这对夫妇的新居所是一座美丽的海滨别墅。)

4. The company has decided to domicile in Hong Kong due to its favorable business environment. (由于有利的商业环境,该公司决定在那里定居。)

5. The actor's official domicile is in Los Angeles, but he spends most of his time traveling for work. (这位演员的住所在洛杉矶,但他大部分时间都在外出工作。)


1. residence:指一个人或一个家庭实际生活或定居的地方。

2. abode:指一个人或一个家庭长期居住或定居的地方。

3. dwelling:指一个人或一个家庭居住的房屋或住所。

4. home:指一个人的家,也可以指一个人常去的地方。

5. habitat:指动物或植物生存的自然环境。


