
英语口语2024-03-19 08:57:52小编






1. domination作为名词,表示“、支配、”的意思。

- The country gained its independence after years of foreign domination.(这个在经历了多年外国后获得了独立。)

- The company has a monopoly in the market, which gives it a strong domination over its compes.(该公司在市场上拥有垄断地位,这使得它对竞争对手有着强大的力。)

2. domination也可以表示“优势地位”、“主导地位”。

- The team showed their domination on the field, scoring five goals in the first half.(这支球队在场上展现出了他们的优势地位,在上半场打进了五个进球。)

- The company's domination in the industry has been challenged by new emerging compes.(该公司在行业中的主导地位受到了新兴竞争对手的挑战。)

3. 在心理学中,domination还可以指“支配欲”、“欲”。

- His need for domination often causes conflicts in his relationships.(他对支配的需求经常导致他在人际关系中产生。)

- The therapist helped her to overcome her desire for domination and learn to communicate better with others.(治疗师帮助她克服了她的欲望,并学会更好地与他人沟通。)


1. The country was under the domination of a ruthless dictator for decades.


2. The team's domination in the league is undeniable, as they have won every game so far.


3. She was tired of her husband's constant attempts at domination and decided to leave him.


4. The company's domination over the market has led to a lack of competition and higher prices for consumers.


5. The therapist helped him to understand that his need for domination stemmed from his childhood experiences.



1. control:作为名词,表示“、支配”的意思,与domination的用法相似。

- The government has tight control over the media.(对媒体有严格的。)

- The company's control over the market has led to a lack of competition.(该公司对市场的导致缺乏竞争。)

2. power:作为名词,表示“权力、能力”的意思,可以用来描述强大的影响力或力。

- The president has the power to veto any decision made by Congress.(有权否决国会做出的任何决定。)

- The company's economic power allows it to dominate the market.(该公司的经济实力使其能够主导市场。)

3. authority:作为名词,表示“权威、权力”的意思,可以指、、专业等方面的权威。

- The government has the authority to make and enforce laws.(有权制定和执行法律。)

- As a renowned expert in the field, she has great authority in academic circles.(作为该领域的知名专家,她在学术界有很大的权威性。)


