
英语口语2024-03-19 18:47:10小编




endup的音标为 /ˈɛndʌp/。


1. 作动词时,endup表示“最终处于某种状态或地位”,常与介词in连用,构成短语end up in。:

- He always wanted to be a doctor, but he ended up in finance.(他一直想当医生,但最后却从事了金融工作。)

- If you keep eating like this, you'll end up in the hospital.(如果你一直这样吃下去,最后会住进医院。)

2. 作名词时,endup指的是“结束的结果”或“最终的情况”。:

- What was the endup of your trip?(你旅行的结果如何?)

- I don't know the endup of this situation yet.(我还不知道这种情况的最终结果。)


1. We were supposed to have a picnic, but it ended up raining all day.(我们原本计划野餐,但最后一整天都下雨了。)

2. After years of hard work, she ended up as the CEO of the company.(经过多年的努力,她最终成为了公司的CEO。)

3. I never thought I would end up living in a big city like New York.(我从没想过会最终住在像纽约这样的大城市。)

4. He started out as an actor, but he ended up directing his own films.(他起初是个演员,但最后却导演了自己的电影。)

5. The party was supposed to be small, but it ended up being a huge event with over 200 guests.(这次聚会原本是小型的,但最后却变成了超过200人的盛大活动。)


1. finish:意为“完成;结束”。与endup不同的是,finish更强调达到某个目标或完成某项任务。

例句:I will finish this project by the end of the week.


2. conclude:意为“结束;总结”。与endup不同的是,conclude更强调做出结论或总结。

例句:After much discussion, we concluded that it was best to cancel the event.


3. wind up:意为“结束;收场”。与endup不同的是,wind up更常用于口语和非正式场合。

例句:The party wound up at midnight.



endup是一个常用的口语词汇,表示“最终处于某种状态或地位”。它可以作动词,也可以作名词。在使用时,通常与介词in连用。除了endup之外,还有一些同义词如finish、conclude和wind up等,它们的意思和用法略有不同。希望本文能帮助大家更好地理解和运用endup这个单词。
