1. 作为名词,exercises通常用来指身体锻炼或者练习。它可以指单个的活动,也可以指一系列的活动。:
- I do exercises every morning to keep fit.(我每天早上做运动来保持健康。)
- The doctor prescribed some exercises to help with my back pain.(医生开了一些锻炼来帮助缓解我的背痛。)
2. 作为动词,exercises常常与keep, do, perform等词连用,表示进行身体锻炼或者练习。:
- She exercises in the gym three times a week.(她每周在健身房锻炼三次。)
- We should all exercise regularly to maintain a healthy lifestyle.(我们都应该定期锻炼来保持健康的生活方式。)
3. exercises也可以指学习或者训练中的任务或者活动。:
- The students were given a series of grammar exercises to complete.(学生们被要求完成一系列的语法练习。)
- The soldiers were put through a series of intense exercises to prepare for the mission.(士们接受了一系列激烈的训练来准备任务。)
1. I try to do some stretching exercises every day to improve my flexibility.(我每天都会做一些伸展运动来提高我的灵活性。)
2. The doctor recommended some breathing exercises to help with my anxiety.(医生建议我做一些呼吸运动来缓解我的焦虑。)
3. Our teacher gave us a set of grammar exercises to complete for homework.(老师给我们布置了一套语法练习作为作业。)
4. My personal trainer showed me some new exercises that target specific muscle groups.(我的私人教练向我展示了一些针对特定肌肉群的新锻炼方法。)
5. After a long day at work, I like to do some relaxation exercises before going to bed.(工作了一整天后,我喜欢在睡前做一些放松运动。)
1. workout:指身体锻炼,可以指单个的活动或者整个过程。
2. training:指训练或者学习过程中的活动或者任务,可以指单个的活动或者一系列的活动。
3. drills:指特定的训练活动,通常用来提高特定的技能或者能力。
4. physical activity:指身体活动,可以包括运动、锻炼、散步等。
5. practice:指为了提高技能而反复进行的活动,也可以指为了达到某个目标而进行的练习。