
英语口语2024-03-20 03:55:11小编




1. farming作为名词,可以表示农业、种植业。:

- The main source of income in this area is farming.(这个地区的主要收入来源是农业。)

- My family has been in farming for generations.(我家世代从事农业。)

2. 作为动词,farming可以表示耕种、种植。:

- They are busy farming their land for the next harvest.(他们正在忙着耕种他们的土地,准备下一次收获。)

- The farmers are farming their crops with great care.(农民们正在认真地种植庄稼。)

3. farming也可以表示养殖、饲养。:

- My uncle is an expert in pig farming.(我叔叔是养猪方面的专家。)

- The villagers make a living by farming chickens and ducks.(村民们靠养鸡和鸭子谋生。)

4. 还有一种常见的用法是farming out,意思是外包、分包出去。:

- The company is considering farming out some of its work to cut costs.(公司正在考虑把部分工作外包出去以降低成本。)

- He has been farming out his freelance work to other writers.(他一直把自己的自由撰稿工作分包给其他作家。)


1. The government has been encouraging young people to take up farming as a career.(一直在鼓励年轻人选择农业作为职业。)

2. Farming is the backbone of the economy in this rural area.(农业是这个农村地区经济的支柱。)

3. The farmers are facing challenges due to the changing climate and unpredictable weather patterns.(农民们面临着由于气候变化和不可预测的天气模式带来的挑战。)

4. Many small-scale farmers have turned to organic farming methods in recent years.(近年来,许多小规模农民转向有机种植方法。)

5. We need to invest in modern technology and equipment to improve farming efficiency and productivity.(我们需要投资现代技术和设备,以提高农业效率和生产力。)


1. agriculture:意思也是农业,但更加正式和,常用于、报告等文档中。

2. cultivation:指种植、耕作等过程,也可以表示培养、教育等含义。

3. husbandry:指畜牧业、养殖业,也可以表示管理、照顾的意思。

4. ranching:指大规模的牧场经营,通常用于畜牧业。

5. gardening:指园艺、花园种植等,与farming不同的是更注重美观和装饰性。


farming是一个常见的英文单词,意思是农业、种植业。它可以作为名词或动词使用,表示耕种、种植、养殖等含义。常见的用法有farming out表示外包、分包出去。同义词有agriculture、cultivation、husbandry、ranching和gardening。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的词汇来表达农业相关的含义。
