
英语口语2024-03-20 10:19:52小编





[ˈfəʊkəs ɒn]


1. focuson + 名词/代词/动名词:表示专注于某个具体的事物或活动。

- He needs to focuson his studies if he wants to pass the exam.(如果他想通过考试,就需要专注于学习。)

- She always focuses on the positive side of things.(她总是把注意力集中在事物的积极方面。)

2. focuson + 动词-ing形式:表示专注于正在进行的动作。

- The coach told the players to focuson improving their defense.(教练告诉球员们要专注于提高防守能力。)

- I can't focuson studying when there is so much noise around me.(周围太吵了,我无法专心学习。)

3. focuson + 不定式:表示将来要做的事情。

- We need to focuson finding a solution to this problem.(我们需要把注意力集中在找到解决这个问题的方法上。)

- She wants to focuson building her career before getting married.(她想先把注意力集中在发展事业,再考虑结婚。)


1. He always focuseson the task at hand and never gets distracted.(他总是专注于手头的任务,从不分心。)

2. The company needs to focuson expanding its market share in order to stay competitive.(为了保持竞争力,公司需要把注意力集中在扩大市场份额上。)

3. It's important to focuson your strengths instead of trying to improve your weaknesses.(重要的是要专注于发挥自己的优势,而不是试图改善自己的弱点。)

4. She has a hard time focusingon one thing for a long time, so she prefers to work on multiple projects at once.(她很难长时间专注于一件事情,所以更喜欢同时做多个项目。)

5. The teacher reminded the students to focuson their breathing during the meditation exercise.(老师提醒学生们在冥想练习时要专注于呼吸。)


1. concentrate on:与focuson意思相近,表示“集中注意力于”、“专注于”。

- I need to concentrate on my work and finish it before the deadline.

- He can't concentrate on his studies when there are so many distractions around him.

2. pay attention to:表示“关注”、“注意”。

- Please pay attention to what I'm about to say.

- You should pay more attention to your health.

3. fixate on:表示“过分关注”、“沉迷于”。

- She tends to fixate on small details and often misses the bigger picture.

- Don't fixate on your mistakes, learn from them and move on.


focuson是一个常用的动词,意为“专注于”、“集中注意力于”。它的名词形式为focus,表示“焦点”、“注意力集中的事物”。在日常生活中,我们经常需要用到这个词来表达我们的专注和集中精力的状态。除了以上提到的用法外,focuson还可以与其他动词搭配使用,如focuson achieving(专注于实现)、focuson creating(专注于创造)等。熟练掌握这个词的用法可以让我们更准确地表达自己的意思,并且更有效地把注意力集中在重要的事物上。
