
英语口语2024-03-20 16:39:06小编






1. 作为名词:

a. 指恐惧、紧张或焦虑的情绪:The thought of speaking in public filled him with a sense of funk.

b. 指逃避或畏缩的行为:He was too afraid to face his problems and just kept on living in a funk.

2. 作为动词:

a. 表示逃避或畏缩:She always finks when it comes to making important decisions.

b. 表示使某人感到恐惧、紧张或焦虑:The loud noise outside the window really finked me.

3. 作为形容词:

a. 描述某人胆小、懦弱:He's too much of a funk to stand up for himself.

b. 描述某物不吸引人、无聊:I'm not going to that party, it sounds like it's going to be a total funk.


1. She was in a real funk after watching a horror movie. 她看完恐怖电影后,整个人都陷入了恐惧之中。

2. Don't be such a funk, just face your fears and move on. 别这么胆小,直面你的恐惧并继续前进。

3. The team was in a funk after losing their star player to injury. 球队因为主力球员受伤而陷入低迷状态。

4. He finked at the thought of having to give a presentation in front of his boss. 一想到要在老板面前做报告,他就感到恐惧。

5. The party turned out to be a total funk, with no music or entertainment at all. 这个派对太无聊了,没有音乐或任何娱乐活动。


1. Fear:名词,指害怕或担心某事。例句:She had a fear of heights and refused to go on the rollercoaster.

2. Dread:名词,指强烈的恐惧或不安。例句:He felt a sense of dread as he walked into the haunted house.

3. Shrink:动词,指因为害怕而畏缩。例句:She shrank back when she saw the spider crawling towards her.

4. Cowardly:形容词,指胆小、懦弱的。例句:He showed his cowardly side by refusing to stand up for his beliefs.

5. Boring:形容词,指无聊、乏味的。例句:The lecture was so boring, half the class fell asleep.


