
英语口语2024-03-20 19:42:05小编




1. 作为动词,getalong可以表示“与某人相处得好或者不好”,也可以表示“过日子,生活”。:

- I get along well with my neighbors.(我和我的邻居相处得很好。)

- How do you get along with your new boss?(你和新老板相处得怎么样?)

- We don't have much money, but we manage to get along.(我们没有很多钱,但是我们还是能过日子。)

2. 作为名词,getalong可以表示“进展情况,进步”。:

- How is your project coming along?(你的项目进展情况如何?)

- I'm not sure about the getalong of our relationship.(我不确定我们的关系进展如何。)


1. We used to fight a lot, but now we get along much better.


2. It's important for coworkers to get along in order to have a productive work environment.


3. The children in the neighborhood all seem to get along well and play together.


4. She is trying her best to get along with her new stepmother.


5. The getalong of the negotiations between the two countries has been slow but steady.



1. get on:与getalong意思相同,也可以表示“上车,登上”。:

- How do you get on with your new boss?(你和新老板相处得怎么样?)

- I need to get on the bus now.(我现在需要上公交车了。)

2. get along with:与某人相处得好或者不好。:

- I don't really get along with my sister-in-law.(我和我的嫂子关系不太好。)

3. get by:勉强过活,勉强维持生计。:

- We don't have much money, but we manage to get by.(我们没有很多钱,但是我们还是能勉强过活。)

4. coexist:共存,和平相处。:

- Different cultures can coexist and learn from each other.(不同的文化可以共存并互相学习。)


getalong是一个常用的词汇,在日常生活中经常会用到。它可以表示人与人之间的关系、生活状态以及进展情况。除了作为动词和名词外,它还可以与其他词汇组合使用,get along with、get by等。在写作中,我们可以灵活运用这些同义词来丰富表达,使文章更加生动有趣。
