
英语口语2024-03-20 20:55:04小编





giveout的音标为/dʒɪv aʊt/。


1. 分发、发放:指将东西分给多人或多处。:

- The teacher gave out the test papers to the students.(老师把考卷分发给学生们。)

- The company will give out free samples of their new product.(公司将会免费派发他们新产品的样品。)

2. 耗尽、用完:表示某物已经全部使用完。:

- The battery gave out after only a few hours of use.(电池在使用了几个小时后就耗尽了。)

- My patience is giving out, I can't deal with this anymore.(我的耐心快要用完了,我再也无法处理这件事情了。)

3. 泄漏、透露:指不经意地或故意地透露某事。:

- He accidentally gave out the secret to his friends.(他不小心向朋友们透露了这个秘密。)

- Please don't give out any information about our plans to anyone else.(请不要向任何其他人透露我们的计划。)

4. 散发出、发出:表示某物散发出某种气味或光线。:

- The flowers gave out a sweet fragrance.(花散发出甜美的香味。)

- The light bulb gave out a bright light.(灯泡发出明亮的光线。)


1. The charity organization is giving out food and supplies to the homeless people in the city.(慈善组织正在向城市里的无家可归者分发食物和物资。)

2. My car broke down on the highway and my phone battery gave out, I was stranded for hours before someone finally sped to help me.(我的车在高速公路上抛锚了,我的手机电池也耗尽了,我被困了几个小时才有人停下来帮助我。)

3. The company has strict policies about not giving out confidential information to anyone outside of the company.(公司有严格的规定,不向公司外部的任何人透露机密信息。)

4. The candles gave out a warm and cozy atmosphere in the room during the power outage.(停电期间,蜡烛在房间里营造出温暖舒适的氛围。)

5. The old fridge finally gave out after years of use, we had to replace it with a new one.(这台老冰箱终于在多年使用后坏掉了,我们不得不换一台新的。)


1. Hand out:与give out的意思相同,都是指将东西分发给多人或多处。

2. Run out:表示某物已经用完,与give out中的耗尽、用完意思相近。

3. Leak:与give out中的泄漏、透露意思相近,都指不经意地或故意地透露某事。

4. Emit:与give out中的散发出、发出意思相近,都表示某物散发出某种气味或光线。


在日常生活和工作中,我们经常会遇到需要分发、耗尽、泄漏、散发等情况,这时候就可以使用give out这个词来表达。它是一个常用的动词,在口语和书面语中都很常见。除了以上提到的用法外,还可以作为名词使用,表示“散发物”。同时,在阅读和写作时也要注意区分其它同义词的使用场景。
