
英语口语2024-03-21 11:33:57小编




1. hint作为动词时,常用于表示给出一些线索或信息来帮助别人理解某件事情。:

- The teacher hinted at the answer to the difficult question.


- She hinted that she was not happy with her job.


2. hint作为名词时,常用于表示给出一些线索或信息来帮助别人理解某件事情。:

- The detective found a hint that led to the murderer.


- There were hints of a possible merger between the two companies.


3. hint还可以用于表示给出一些建议或提醒。:

- She gave me a hint to arrive early for the meeting.


- He dropped a hint about his upcoming promotion.


4. 另外,hint也可以用于表示一些微妙的暗示或讽刺。:

- His words were full of hints about his true intentions.


- She always drops hints about her ex-boyfriend whenever we talk.



1. The boss hinted that there might be a salary raise next month.


2. She gave him a hint to ask her out on a date.


3. There were subtle hints in her speech that she was not satisfied with the current situation.


4. The teacher dropped a hint for the students to review for the upcoming exam.


5. He didn't take the hint and kept talking about his ex-girlfriend.



1. imply:意为“含有;暗指”。与hint相比,imply更强调言外之意,常用于表示某件事情并没有直接说出来,而是通过其他方式间接地表达出来。

2. suggest:意为“建议;暗示”。与hint相比,suggest更强调给出建议或提供一些线索来帮助别人理解某件事情。

3. allude:意为“暗指;提及”。与hint相比,allude更强调通过暗示或提及来引起别人的注意。

4. insinuate:意为“暗示;影射”。与hint相比,insinuate更强调通过暗示或影射来传达某种信息或意图。

5. tip off:意为“透露;泄露”。与hint相比,tip off更强调通过透露某些信息来帮助别人理解某件事情。


