
英语口语2024-03-21 20:52:26小编


increase 是一个英文单词,意思是“增加,增长”。它可以用作名词或动词。作为名词时,它的意思是“增加量,增长”,作为动词时,它的意思是“增加,使增大”。


increase 的音标为 [ɪnˈkriːs]。


1. 作为名词:

- There has been a significant increase in the number of students applying for this program. (申请这个项目的学生人数大幅增加。)

- The company is expecting an increase in profits this year. (公司预计今年会有利润增长。)

2. 作为动词:

- We need to increase our efforts if we want to finish this project on time. (如果我们想要按时完成这个项目,就需要加大我们的努力。)

- The government plans to increase taxes next year. (计划明年提高税收。)


1. The government has implemented policies to increase employment opportunities for young people. (已经实施了来增加年轻人的就业机会。)

2. The price of oil has increased by 10% in the past month. (过去一个月内油价上涨了10%。)

3. Regular exercise can help increase your overall fitness and strength. (定期运动可以帮助提高你的整体健康和力量。)

4. The company is planning to increase production to meet the growing demand for their products. (公司计划增加生产以满足对他们产品的不断增长的需求。)

5. The population of this city has increased by 20% in the last decade. (这个城市的人口在过去十年中增加了20%。)


1. grow:意为“增长,成长”,常用于描述植物、人类和经济等方面的增长。

- The plant has grown significantly since we planted it. (自从我们种下这棵植物以来,它已经显著生长。)

- The economy is expected to grow by 3% next year. (预计明年经济将增长3%。)

2. expand:意为“扩大,扩展”,常用于描述规模、范围和影响力等方面的扩大。

- The company plans to expand its business into new markets next year. (公司计划明年将业务扩展到新市场。)

- The city has expanded rapidly in recent years, with many new buildings and developments. (这个城市近年来迅速扩张,出现了许多新建筑和发展项目。)

3. augment:意为“增加,提高”,通常指通过添加或补充来达到增加的目的。

- We need to augment our staff if we want to take on more projects. (如果我们想要接手更多项目,就需要增加员工数量。)

- She augmented her income by taking on a part-time job. (她通过做兼职工作增加了自己的收入。)


increase 是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是“增加,增长”。它可以用作名词或动词,表示不同的含义。作为名词时,它指增加量或增长;作为动词时,它指使数量或程度变大。除了 increase 外,还有一些同义词如 grow、expand 和 augment 可以用来表达相似的意思。在使用时,需要根据具体语境来选择最合适的单词。
