
英语口语2024-03-21 21:14:12小编





indicate的音标为 /ˈɪndɪkeɪt/。


1. 表示指示或表明某种情况:

- The red light indicates that it is not safe to cross the road.(红灯表示过马路是不安全的。)

- The results of the study indicate a positive correlation between diet and health.(研究结果表明饮食和健康之间存在正相关关系。)

2. 表示暗示或提示:

- His tone of voice indicated that he was not happy with the decision.(他说话的语气暗示他对这个决定并不满意。)

- The weather forecast indicates a high chance of rain tomorrow.(天气预报显示明天有很大可能会下雨。)

3. 表示给出信号或迹象:

- The smoke from the chimney indicates that someone is home.(烟囱里冒出的烟表明有人在家。)

- His behavior indicated that he was lying.(他的行为暗示着他在撒谎。)

4. 表示标示或指出:

- The map indicates the location of the nearest gas station.(地图标明了最近的加油站的位置。)

- The red arrow indicates the direction we should go.(红色箭头指示我们应该走的方向。)

5. 表示显示或说明:

- The instructions indicate how to assemble the furniture.(说明书显示如何组装家具。)

- The label on the bottle indicates its expiration date.(瓶子上的标签显示了它的过期日期。)


1. The doctor indicated that I should reduce my sugar intake to improve my health.(医生指示我应该减少摄入糖分来改善我的健康。)

2. Her body language indicated that she was not interested in what he was saying.(她的肢体语言暗示着她对他所说的不感兴趣。)

3. The sign at the entrance of the museum indicates that it is closed on Mondays.(博物馆处的标志表明周一闭馆。)

4. The survey results indicate a significant increase in customer satisfaction compared to last year's data.(调查结果显示与去年数据相比,顾客满意度有显著增长。)

5. Please indicate your preferred method of payment on the order form.(请在订单表上指明您偏好的付款方式。)


1. show:表示展示或显露某种情况或事实,与indicate的用法相似,但更强调直接的展示。

- The results of the experiment show that the hypothesis was correct.(实验结果表明假设是正确的。)

2. suggest:表示暗示或建议某种可能性,与indicate的用法类似。

- His behavior suggests that he is hiding something from us.(他的行为暗示着他在对我们隐瞒某件事。)

3. denote:表示指示或标志某种含义或意义。

- The red circle on the map denotes a dangerous area.(地图上的红色圆圈标志着一个危险区域。)

4. signify:表示表明或象征某种意义或重要性。

- The ringing of the bell signifies the end of class.(铃声表示课程结束了。)


