
英语口语2024-03-22 01:36:28小编




英 [ˈɪntərvjuːə(r)] 美 [ˈɪntərvjuːər]


作为一个名词,interviewers通常用于复数形式。在英语中,通常会使用the interviewers来指代具体的一组或多组面试官。


1. The interviewers asked a series of challenging questions to test the candidate's problem-solving skills.


2. The interviewers were impressed by the candidate's confidence and communication skills.


3. The interviewers had a discussion after each interview to evaluate the candidates' performance.


4. The interviewers were looking for someone with both technical expertise and strong teamwork abilities.


5. The interviewers were impressed by the candidate's portfolio and decided to offer them the job.



1. Interviewers的同义词可为interviewees,指被面试者。:The interviewers asked the interviewees a variety of questions.

2. Interviewers也可以用interview panel来表示,意为“面试小组”,指由多位面试官组成的团队。:The interview panel was impressed by the candidate's qualifications and experience.

3. 在某些情况下,interviewer也可以指代采访人员或主持人。:The interviewer asked thought-provoking questions during the talk show.


interviewers是指进行面谈或采访的人员,通常用于复数形式。其同义词可为interviewees和interview panel。在英语中,通常会使用the interviewers来指代具体的一组或多组面试官。在某些情况下,interviewer也可以指代采访人员或主持人。
